My significant other approves


Well, lets just say it's "OUR" tank. We have put about equal amount into it, but I tend to think that I take more care of it. She freaked when I took the glass off the tonight because I told her I wanted an open hood.


Active Member
Its a love hate relationship. She loves looking at them but, whenever i go to the lfs she has that
"HOW MUCH DID YOU SPEND" look in her
other than that she trys to learn about what im doin to the tanks and why


Active Member
I think I realized how much we were both into it when I called my husband last Friday from the LFS to tell him to hurry home I had found just the right rock we'd been looking for and he was at another LFS looking instead of at work!


Good one DAB,
My wife does not mind the hobby, and will even clean the glass on my main tank once in a while. She hates when I leave the buckets laying around since our grandson comes to visit a few times a week.
When we are at one of our LFS, she will say why don't you pick this or that up, and I will refuse many times, usually we do not have the extra money for the purchase. She supports me 100%+ and I even got the rebate money from our new refridgerator to purchase corals with. I am hoping to start farming corals over the next year or so, and have even setup a propogation tank.
My wife is wonderful!!


My husband never got involved with my old FO tank, but now that I've started up a new tank with LR and a few hardy corals along with the fish, he's much more interested. He even called me at work one day to tell me that he had "saved a snail" that had tipped over :D He also was a champ and made a canopy for my new VHO's, knowing full well that he has no escape for making the stand and canopy for the next tank - whenever that might be. He's the best! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


My fiance' likes the tank well enough, just can't understand the obsession part <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> But she kept everything going when the power went out, so I guess she's paying closer attention than I thought. Bottom line is, I love this hobby and she knows it. And it's WAY cheaper than the tickets I used to get in my lowrider, so I think it's the lesser of two evils to her.
Little does she realize, I'm converting her whole family into fish nuts, one house at a time <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" /> I got her 12 year old nephew hooked at Christmas. We bought him a complete 10 gal setup that now houses brackish puffers. And last night I went over to her mom's to set up a fifty gallon freshwater community tank for her. As soon as her father figures out he can put one in his office, and write-off the expense, I'm sure I'll be setting one up for him too.
I'm taking over the world..... One fish tank at a time! I crack myself up sometimes <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
My girl is totally into it. She helps out with everything from water changes to buying new things for it!!! Though she never algea wipes <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> . But other than that I love ther fact she is so involved. Makes it a little easier :p .


I agree with Noodle, you need a don't have significant other place. It was my significant other's cheating on and leaving me that made me begin this hobby, and boy I'm glad it did. :D
My wife approves but complains alot.
If she knew how much I really spent she would totally hate my hobby!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


My husband really likes the tanks, but doesn't help out with them. If we have the money (or if there is something that HE wants to buy for himself) then he will often encourage me to get something for the tanks.
BUT, when I was in the hospital last year for 2 weeks, he took care of the tanks for me! Which wasn't easy for him because he's disabled, but somehow he managed! Of course, some of the instructions were given over the phone, but hey, whatever works! ;)


He says I spend too much time messing with the tank but he is ALWAYS the first one to show it off when friends come over! :D


Active Member
She approves and encourages me.
Can't neglect each other or it becomes more of a free time issue around here. She has her hobbies too, and we try and get a balance going.
I get up very early everyday. I can get all of my routine tank maintenance done before she even knows it's morning on Saturdays. The feeding and little stuff during the week she likes to help with - except sticking her hands in the tank too much, or emptying the skimmer cup.
She loves to go to LFS and look at all the possibilities - and finally understands ( as I do ) that we can't have EVERY fish or coral we see.
She knows a lot more than she says she does, and when I say we should add or do something to the tank, she reminds me that maybe we should just wait a little while longer. Gotta love her patience.
Plus - she said she enjoys watching me enjoy something so much under our roof - and that makes her happy. Gotta love her for that too.


Active Member
When every thing is perfect she shows them off more than me but the lest little problem and she complains (not realizing its falling on deaf ears). She does no work with the aquariums and therefore has no say (though she likes to think she should). And if the tanks ever had to go, I believe I would have to follow.


My husband fully supports my hobby, as I do his. He does not participate though--but then asking him to clean my tank would be the equivelant of him asking me to upgrade our computer <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> He does take the kids out of the house for a couple hours though when I do need to clean, so I can do it in peace and without them walking off with all my stuff or worry about them getting into all the chemicals. (ever notice none of the crud we use has child resistant caps????) What he really hates is the time i spend on this board, I'm now trying to do some during the day instead of after the kids are in bed which should be "our" time. It's that or really late after I tuck him
Anyway this would be a very difficult thing if not supported by the other, due to the money and time involved both of which can be touchy subjects in any relationship. I consider myself very lucky. :D
He doesn't help out but it's better that way, He gives me the money that's all that matters!!!
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My wife wasn't that thrilled until she got to start picking out things. Now she's proud of her decisions and enjoys it more.