My significant other approves

My husband totally has gotten into this. He is an engineer so he has done all the construction and plumbing for the sump and refugium. I started with a 55 gallon which he quickly noted was way to small. We now have a 105 gallon which he has taken over, all I do is feed and check the water parameters. I am enjoying this hobby much more than I thought I would.
This hobby certainly keeps the family at home and working together toward a common goal. What more could we ask for in a hobby?


Mine doesn't help except for feeding silverslides to the eel(I freak out because of the heads on them)but is always forking out the money and driving me to the lfs at my instantaneous(sp) impulses after a hard day of work & before having had any dinner.Lucky me :)
When I first met my boyfriend he didnt know anything about my tanks. Together we have but together a bigger and better tank. He has been very supportive and helpful. Thats why I love him. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />