My sixline jumped....


That's to bad. If mine jumped I don't know what I'd do, he's my absolute favorite fish.


Active Member
Yep, I loved him! Alot of people say they are aggressive but mine wasn't at all. I want to get another one but I'm kind of afraid b/c of their bad rep.


Active Member
Why do you say they have a bad rep ? All you need to have a is a sturdy top so they won't jump out. Six line wrasses are great for reef. Besides, all wrasses jump and so do firefish and dartfish.


Active Member
I'm sorry! It seems like an unwritten rule sometimes that the best fish go first.

If it helps, the opinion tide seems to have changed a bit about SL wrasse...don't be afraid, especially if he's the newest guy.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss..
My 6 Line is fine until he sees another Wrasse or Dottyback. At that point he turns into a little demon.


That's how my 6 line choose to end his life too.....I was sooooo ticked at him. I'd like to get another too...


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sorry for your loss..
My 6 Line is fine until he sees another Wrasse or Dottyback. At that point he turns into a little demon.
My 6 line is also a demon when he sees the dottyback. But if I keep the back glass really clean the 6 line sees "another" 6 line and will spend hours racing back and forth while raising it's dorsal fins. Then he ignores everyone else including the dottyback


I love my 6-line. He gets along with all of my fish (clown, jawfish, and lawnmower blenny).
My favorite thing to see is when I find my 6-line sitting in my leather toadstool with my clownfish as if they were a mated pair. I thought I was seeing things the first time. I can't believe the clown lets him near his home. If they ever were to mate boy would I be rich