My small nano


New Member
I just started a 10 gallon nano a while back and it has been cycling. I plan on putting 2 ocelaris clowns and maybe a gobie. I guess the problem I am running into is low light inverts to put in my tank. I have 40 watts of 50/50 bulbs so it's considered low lighting. I was wondering what you guys put in your low light nano's?


New Member
does this mean all mushrooms, leathers and zoas? Some shrooms and leathers are medium light? What are zoas? I probably know, just not familiar with the name.


New Member
I just wanted to make it clear that I had two 50/50 20 watt bulbs. So my 40 watts of 50/50 lighting in my 10 gallon would be good for all shrooms, leathers and zoas? I just wanted color in my tank but I didn't want to compromise killing coral. Is there any chance I could keep any anem's, brain coral, or polyps alive with 40 watts? I just don't want a dull colored tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JeremyHaas
I just wanted to make it clear that I had two 50/50 20 watt bulbs. So my 40 watts of 50/50 lighting in my 10 gallon would be good for all shrooms, leathers and zoas? I just wanted color in my tank but I didn't want to compromise killing coral. Is there any chance I could keep any anem's, brain coral, or polyps alive with 40 watts? I just don't want a dull colored tank.
all mushrooms that i know of would work with that lighting. when you say polyps i assume you mean pallys so yes you could also keep those. i would stay away with anems and brain corals.


New Member
I just wanted to make sure I understood you. I didn't want to spend 100-200, and have coral die and lose money. So all mushrooms, leather, and zoas unless they are moderate to high or high. That leaves me with alot of possibilities.


Active Member
most of those those are zoas and you should edit out that link because its against the forum rules to post link to competitor sites. yes you can keep those under that lighting.


New Member
Sorry about that, I wasn't aware of that rule. Thanks for the heads up. I really appreciate your help. I had people telling me putting shrooms under that lighting wasn't even a good idea.


Active Member
your welcome, i rather just let you know the rules before a mod had to come and edit your post for you.
i don't think you will have any trouble keeping any mushrooms under that lighting.
as a matter of fact i was cleaning out my QT tank not long ago and turned over a rock that had been in one place for almost 6 months and there was a mushroom still living under it in total darkness. This shroom was very bleached and transparent but after 6 mmonths of no light what so ever it was still alive. I turned the rock over to give it some light and im hoping it will regain it color and health in time.


New Member
People were telling me to get 70-96 watts of lighting for my 10 gallon. It's not that I want to be cheap, I just wanted a nice colorful tank to look at and I didn't want to have to buy expensive lights for corals if I could find lower light ones.