My Snowflake Eel turned white???!!


Active Member
Long story -- short... well, my SF eel got out of my tank - don't know how long. I found her on the floor, not moving. Picker her up and she moved, so put her in the tank. She swam back to her cave and stayed there for about 3 days before she came out to eat. She now has been acting normal - eating regular, active... etc. But a few days ago I noticed that the L side of her body turned white. Not sure what it is. I've searched elsewhere with no help. ANY IDEA's?



Staff member
Near death experience can do that. I'm sure the eel suffered physical trauma.
Not much to be done, but offer good food and maintain good water quality. Maybe offer some food with zoecon supplement.


Active Member
Thanks Beth, as always. Glad to hear that extreme intervention is not likely needed. I was dreading antibiotics, quarantine, etc.. She's looking great, so fingers crossed.


Staff member
If you note redness in gills, or on the fish's body, irregular breathing, then it will require antibiotics.
In the meantime, do small daily water changes, feed well, using fresh garlic and/or zoecon.


Active Member
stress shows in coloration. Although mostly it means darkening, or turning pale. Never seen it actually go white like that.
Right now I got a Bicolor blennie that is upset with me for putting him in the QT for treatment. Hes really pale, even though it was a very gentle capture and release to identical water.In short, his feelings got hurt.


Could have been from rubbing all over the floor before you found her there. You might not have notices because you were just trying to get her back int he tank. If she was squirming around on carpet then the fiberglass is not good for their skin obviously. That is awesome that you were able to save her though. I would just feed a little bit more than normal for the next month and like Beth said, add garlic.


Active Member
it was on hardwood floor, but I'm sure it flopped around alot and did some damage. Good news is that it is starting to "fill in". It doesn't look like the rest of the pattern yet, but is definitely getting better.
Thanks guys!