My Snowflake needs glasses

my way

Active Member
When I feed my fish my Snowflake Moray goes crazy swimming around looking for food which he gets his fare share of but it seems as his eyesight is vey poor. He will swim right past a large piece of food shaking his head around as if he can only find it by smell. I know he can see but do they have poor eyesight? Does anyone else's SME do this?


I've read they have very poor eyesight but a great sense of smell. I don't remember if I read it on this forum or in a book.


i really enjoy mine he is the only thing i have in my tank so far and is very active and really cool to watch as he come in and goes out of my rockwork i have hermits in with him and as long as i feed him every other day he is fine but the he starts making snacks if i get caught up on my homework/college projects but i enjoy it fully take my mind of of school.LOL.. i want to put in some sort of snail but am afraid this will become an easy meal. and i am going to put in a cleaner scrimp in next week along with poss. some corals/mushrooms

my way

Active Member
I love that guy And He's tough as nails. I came downstairs a while back and saw something on the floor and sure enough it was the eel, he had traveled through the return tubing from my fuge and snuck out from there. He was pretty lifeless but I put him back in the tank figuring he would die from infections in a day or two but about 10 minutes later he was back to normal. Then a day or two later I see my Porky Puffer spinning around in front of the pvc tubing I put in for the eel to hide in and sure enough the puffer had him by the head. I got my algea scraper and distracted the puffer til he let go and the eel slid back into the pvc. I wish I was that tough! When I got him he was about 5"and only cost $6.99 now he's about 10 or 12" long. He also loves to hang out in my oveflow box.


Active Member
all sfes are nearly blind actually all eels are like that just try not to put your finger in their mouth