My Sohal tang nipps Corals and everthing esle !


my sohal nipps everything i buy that new, Clams , corals , fish . his been in my 500G reef for 5 months and now his around 30cm but he eats too much and bites some corals and his bites are big and his very aggresive on my other fish . i want him out , how can i catch him ?


I feed 3-2 times a day . first i give them a little flake in the morning then some frozen meaty food for the middle of the day and MAYBE some Nori at the end of the light time . they all are fat and healthy


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by IvasawaJin http:///t/394012/my-sohal-tang-nipps-corals-and-everthing-esle#post_3506639
i need a bigger net . I thought tangs were Reef Safe . whats wrong with him ?
Hippo tangs are 100% reef safe, according to everyone and all the books...but I had one that ate coral tops to the nubs. I re-homed it at a LFS and the store keeper didn't believe me...but when I went back 2 weeks later, he had changed his tune. Some fish just do stuff without any reason, and totally out of character. I had to remove every rock in the tank to net the fish and disrupted everything to get it out...Good luck.