My son desires a saltwater!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
sorry but i completelt disagree... i assure you, and no offense to YOU or YOUR SON, you're going to mess up, it's bound to happen, nothing personal, but everybody messes up at first, and i think if he buys a 55, and your mistake happens to be something like water parameters, and everything dies he's will have lost everything he had, if you have a 20 or 30, everything is cheaper, salt, live sand, live rock, tank, filter, powerheads, protein skimmer, and livestock, well if you make a mistake in a 20 or 30 and everything dies, he/you'll still have some money to retry, now you have my 0.02$
And I disagree, hehe...
Mistakes are preventable. You can't assume a new hobbyist is going to do something fatal to their tank.