
Active Member

I bought a 48" 216 watt High output t5's light made by oddysea. I have had it for not even a month. i was instaling a new canister filter when i hear BOOM! One of the sockets that holds the light bulb in exploded! the socket is like a dark brown color. Now when i turn my light on i get this weird like ticking noise and smell a burning smell.... what should i do??
I have anemones and clams that NEED this light!
update- i just took the lights off the tank to look at them and then turned them on and ALL 4 sockets caught on fire!!!!! Freakin fire hazard! dont buy oddysea light if u value ur life!
i think that applies lol


Active Member
This is the email that i have sent to them
I sent a message yesterday about my 48" high output t5 216 watt light being broken.That one of the sockets that holds the light blew up.Please note also that i have had the light for less than a month. well I have some more bad news. Tonight i was in another room and i smelled burning. i quickly ran to the aquarium to hear sparking noises coming from my aquarium light. I took it off to see what was a matter with it. I set it down and turned it back on.... well ALL 4 sockets that hold the bulbs in caught on fire! IS THIS HOW THIS COMPANY OPERATES?? SLAPPING TOGEATHER CHEAP FAULTY LIGHTS AND SELLING THEM TO PEOPLE?? THIS THING COULD HAVE CAUGHT MY HOUSE ON FIRE! I said in my previous email that I wanted a new replacement light for my tank. I no longer want a new replacement light. I will just take my money back.
This is a copy and paste from my account summary
Order Number Order Total Order Status Order Date Tracking Number
Complete 9/13/2006
Complete 8/1/2006
the $127.22 is the light that i have had this problem with. I also had a problem with the light that cost $90.65 , but this problem was eventually resolved.
Like i said i dont want another replacement light from this company and I would just like my money back for this faulty piece of equipment. Please respond to me asap with what action will be taken
Daniel Hayes


Active Member
My oddyssea PC fixture sucks as well, it didnt like blow up or anything but its REALLY loud , and makes it really warm in my room, and the glass and 2 bulbs came broken


Active Member
wow, thats a close call, good thing you were home ...
but on a side note, i have the odyssea pc`s for 8 months now and have NO compaints with them ...


Active Member
since it happened at the same time you were working on aor around your tank, is it possible that you splashed it or something like that>??


Active Member
xrob....I too have had alot of experience with these lights...I have the 785 watt MH/PC right now for about 4 months and they r great. Also I have had two other pc units with no probs. ANd have three friends with Mh/pc units with no problems at all.


Active Member
have not heard anything yet but im calling them today. they say to call monday to friday but ill still try.
There is absolutlt 100% no way anything got i them. i was working under the stand when it started. they also have a glass cover onver them


Active Member
I am sorry to hear that you are having such problems,but I have been running Odyssea lights (two of them) for about 2 years now without any problems at all.


Active Member
even better news!
i get to go out and buy a 48" new t5 light thats 300 bucks!
im 15 and only have 130!!!


I e-mailed them 3 times in the the last 3 days and heard nothing back..I bought the 48" 542 watt and 2 weeks later the atinics went out.The ballast is bad.I checked the power and there is power going into the ballast and nothing coming out.Whats there phone number?I will be calling on monday..I should have listen to all of you...Maybe I should just go out and buy a workhorse ballast...


Active Member
good news! we called toda and did a great deal of complaining and they agreed to refund 122 bucks!
the number is 1-800-970-2782


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
good news! we called toda and did a great deal of complaining and they agreed to refund 122 bucks!
the number is 1-800-970-2782
I will be calling monday...Thanks


I just called and someone who answered will be fowarding my complaint to there tech dept.He seemed very helpful and was very polite.I will keep you posted on the outcome.