my sump/fuge plan


Sorry for the lousy paint drawing. Here is the sump/fuge that i started to build today. The water will come from the overflow in 1" pvc it will split with a T to 1/2" pvc with a ball valve that will go to the fuge side. The rest will dump in the compartment with the skimmer. The fuge will overflow into both the skimmer and return pump compartments. The skimmer compartment will overflow to the return compartment.
I got the 10g tank at ***** for $10, Tube of GE type1 and misc pipe/plumbing at HD, acrylic was on closeout 11x14 pc for $2.
I found you can cut it really easy by scoring with a utility knife on both sides and it snaps clean.
Hopefully it works and doesnt make too much noise or bubbles. Currently my skimmer/pump are in the same section in my wetdry and the bubbles are not Too bad.


im now wondering if the water will flow to the fuge side or not?
The T i saw at HD was 1" on the top/bottom and had a 1/2" coming out the side, this is what i was going to use. However as i think about it i think the water will just rush straight thru and not go down the 1/2" part to the fuge. maybe if i use a 90 coming into it and have the 1/2 pointing straight down then another 90 out of it on the 1"?? Any comments/??


You might want to put a reducer on the end of the sump side that or a valve, seems like it would just run straight to the sump dont know


I figured with the T pointing down like that, gravity would make water go that way towards the fuge.