my sump is going out the window



I have been fighting tiny bubbles in my 29 gal sump/fug I have rebuilt it 4 to 5 time already I just want to call it quiets. I got my 135gal. Up and running during Christmas and today I took my 75gal. down. I just got an idea. When the 75 came down it left me with a Meg 7 and a 125 Pro Clear Aquatic system 19 ½L x 12 ¾ T x 9 ½ W. so should I make the 29 all sump and the Pro Clear a fuge? If so should I remove all the Bio Balls? What to do what to do. I don’t really want to drill a hole in the Pro Clear so any ideas on how to get the water back to the sump? Whit a 29 gal sump should I have more then 3 baffles.


I still have a 29gal. tank. i want the pic. posted above to be the fuge


could i run both pumps the meg 7 to one side and the meg 18 to the other side of my returns:notsure: Would that put too much water through the sump


id actually make the 29 a fuge(FYI, long tanks make better fuges or sumps than high tanks) and the wet/dry a can have a seperate tank design with the fuge having a drainage tube(near the fuge's water surface), and have it go down, through the fuge and connect to the sump by bulkheads..
and for your fuge's source of water, youll need to tee off the mag 18's return line, and have a sep. line go to the fuge. you want about 8-12x for the mag 7, you can turn that into a closed loop system..a pic is attached of what im talking about.


I am in the middle of starting up my 135Gal. I'm using a 55 for the fuge and a 30 for the sump. I have started building the stand (man it looks tall right now...), I left enough room inside to have the 55 on a 8" platform. That way there is enough room to use an overflow box from fuge to sump.
So basically I'll have an overflow box in the main tank with the water splitting to the fuge and sump (most going to the sump). Then the fuge overflow will enter the sump and the sump will do its thing, then return to the main tank.
Here is my original design with 2 overflows in the main tank. I cut it down to one overflow, but the concept is the same.


I give up after 5 6 7 8 9 times redoing the 29gal. Sump it still not working I still have tiny bubbles in the tank I am just embarrassed of the tank. Now all the water flows over the baffles the flow is just to fast and I’m to dumb to figure it out. I have wasted a lot of money trying to get this to work not to mention the 600 I put out for lights. Going to a 135 gal. tank as been a nightmare. I’m done with this hobby it just pi@! Me off. I;M READY TO TAKE A BALL BAT TO IT I just need to walk away from it for a few hrs. and I my feel better but when I come back to it I still have the nightmare to deal with
Just had to vent I know I’m not the only one that has been through this
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Ok, so the problem is the tiny bubbles in the MT? I would suspect the pump in the sump (hey I'm a poet!)... is the pump fully submerged? Does it have an air line like a lot of powerheads do? If you have an extra pump, have you tried switching to that one temporarily?
I would only suspect the sump if the water in the pump chamber had a bunch of bubbles.
Whatever you do, take a deep breath and stay away from the baseball bat! :D


i have chilled a bit. i was watching my Tang and Koran swim around in and out the rocks. Then i got a idea i have loc line 2 each on the return part of it is out of the water like a hump could it be sucking in air makeing the bubbles:notsure:


this is were all the bubbles are comming from. it a big waterfall going into the pump area any ideas on how to stop it :help: the water is moving very fast over the last baffle. should i raise the water level in the sump so it dont have as far to fall :notsure:
you like the white silly :nervous: i didnt look at the color before buying it :eek:


Active Member
Lower the third baffle or raise the water in the return area to eliminate waterfall and bubbles getting "sucked" to main tank...
Try to get it to a 1" or less drop...
I'm pretty sure we talked about this once before...:thinking:


Thanks to Squidd (and Leona), I know how to fix it :joy:
The water should go over the first baffle (you have it that way), but UNDER the second one. Then the third one should be a lot lower, so the water only has to drop an inch or less to get to the return.
With the water going under the second baffle, that should take out the bubbles. The short drop on the 3rd one will keep new bubbles from happening.

dr reef

Take out all of those baffles and put in new ones were my yellow lines are and that should solve your problem. Or use the idea in the post above my post(EvilBob22's post)


wow savage21 this has given me ideas and also help me with my sump. thanks for th post... If you don't learn from your mistakes then someone will.

thanks :D


hey sorry 1 more
does anyone here know where i could buy that egg crate stuff (i think its called that) thats stuff thats white and has little squares and is made of plastic.?