My Sump Project Journal..


Also found this if anyone is wondering..
There are two basic types of acrylic: extruded and cell cast. Extruded or "continuous cast" acrylic is made by a less expensive process, is softer, can scratch easier and may contain impurities. Cell cast acrylic is a higher quality acrylic and U.S. domestic cell cast is a good choice for applications that require the best. Imported cell cast acrylic is often manufactured to lesser standards.
The site also says any acrylic over 1" thick is bullet proof that would be a cool feature for a fish tank haha :)
Anyways I am definitly thinking the extruded stuff I bought might not be the way to go and should switch to glass. Any further imput before I make the switch?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
The site also says any acrylic over 1" thick is bullet proof that would be a cool feature for a fish tank haha :)
yes but you would need the bullet in a gun to rob a bank to pay for an acrylic tank over 1 inch thick

gill again68

Active Member
Nope, dont really have any other suggestions at this time. Just to say it again, have your glass cut just a tad under width. You dont want a snug fit here. Not to loose mind you.
Post some pics. Would love to see your work.


haha its my day off finally so pics WILL be posted my current sealant job is kind of embarrassing though so don't laugh when I post the pics :)
And your probably right Joe but it would definitely be interesting. You wouldn't have to worry about Lola getting out unexpectedly ;)


Here are some pics, finally ;) You can see the HOB refuge that will be hooked up using some airline tubing to reach the extra length and I really wish that they made a longer tank that was still 11 1/2"W or slimmer cause as you can see everything will be a tight fit..


gill again68

Active Member
Looking at your setup, you may want to add another baffle to the bubble trap. This way any bubbles that make it through have to rise in that next baffle and then pop before getting to the return. Not the biggest deal unless you have issues then its a big tear down to go back and address. Your setup looks good though. Do you have enough depth under your tank for that HOB or is that not an issue.


Originally Posted by Gill again68
Looking at your setup, you may want to add another baffle to the bubble trap. This way any bubbles that make it through have to rise in that next baffle and then pop before getting to the return. Not the biggest deal unless you have issues then its a big tear down to go back and address. Your setup looks good though. Do you have enough depth under your tank for that HOB or is that not an issue.
Yeah the back of my tank stand is open its just the front that is closed so plenty of depth there :) and thanks for the complement the next time I do this I swear it will look much better and will be for a much larger tank :)
Originally Posted by florida joe

where are you going to introduce the return water from your skimmer ?
I was planning on either reintroducing it into the same section or more than likely I will use air line tubing to redirect the flow. Not the most ideal set up for how I had originally envisioned this, but my stand is very narrow at the base so I had to go with the 10g, but then of course an inch and a half up its wide open


So I finally got it completed and placed under the tank and it is a perfect fit, a little snug but perfect. The HOB refuge will be perfect but need to get some more vinyl tubing so I can shift it down a little fits fine now but gets in the way of the outlet I'm using. So I will get some PVC corner pieces and some tubing and walla problem solved :) Well thats how its planned at least ;) The new skimmer seems to be working well, running a pretty wet though, but if I'm not mistaken this will clear up in a couple of days or so and then make the final adjustments for it and its off to the races (the smelly gunky skimmate races, but I guess those are the best kind when skimm'in)
I'll post pics when the finishing touches are added.
Thanks for the help and complements along the way!