My tang is going crazy!


New Member
One of my yellow tangs looks like it has lost control and keeps doing flips and rolls in every direction. The tang is with two other yellow tangs in a QT tank. Any ideas?


Active Member
If i read your profile correctly, and you have 3 yellow tangs and two box fish in a 55 gallon that is problably your tang problem, yellow tangs a very territoral you need to get rid of the yt they should be in a min 75 gal


Active Member
Boxfish need 180g correct? I'd remove everything, take it to the lfs, and make a suitable stock list. Any updates? Is it still alive?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
Actually they need to be in tanks of at least 125 gallons or larger.
actually should be in a 6' tank, and 125's can be 4' :p


Originally Posted by dakotaman728
One of my yellow tangs looks like it has lost control and keeps doing flips and rolls in every direction. The tang is with two other yellow tangs in a QT tank. Any ideas?
What are the water parameters of the qt tank? How long have these fish been in qt? Please be as specific as possible about what has happened to your tang and what is going on with your display.