My Tang tank


So my 225 gallon reef is now what I would officially call a "Tang Tank", although there are other fish too.
My list of tangs is: Chevron, Kole, Sailfin, Powder Blue and two tiny Hippos. The hippos are great, I bought them together and I'm assuming they are probably siblings because there were about 10 at the LFS all the same size, probably caught at all the same time. They are not even as big as a quarter, but they hold their own with the other fish, they can out eat anyone!


Originally Posted by sterling
My camera is really crummy, this is the best shot I could get, the only tang missing is the Kole.
Really nice! Your camera sort of make sit look painted. What kind of anthia is that orange one?


I don't know what kind of anthia it is, but that's one of the girls, there are two girls, and one male who is more pinkish colored.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I have a question for you. How long have you had the powder blue and when was he introduced into the tank. Meaning where there other tangs in the tank allready and have you added tangs after him? I'm allways wanted one.


The powder blue was added a couple of months ago, he was last tang to go in, he got beat up a little, but now is one of the gang.