My Tangs

mandarin w

I would wait for a least a month before adding any new fish to your tank. Your tank is too new. You've just added three fish is a short period of time. You need to give your tank time to adjust to this new bio load you just put in there. If you keep adding a lot of fish at a time, and not giveing the tank time to adjust to it, you are going to make your tank crash.


Active Member
Yes it will take a while before I could add a new fish but the tank isn't new. I bought it from a fish store's manager and it said that I could add fish as soon as everything settled so it will be a month before I add fish.
I may add two percs to the 20g along with an anemone sometime December. Still not sure on which anemone.
But the tangs are getting along and none have died which is an accomplishement for a beginner and his first fish.


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Okay well the tank is going good, no fights, everyone is getting along. I don't have any plans for any other fish in there for a while. Here's some pics of the tang tank.



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Some more pics. I know they are crappy but I have to crop these pics so badly. Need to go to my photo bucket so I can send good shots.



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Hey went to photo bucket and have no idea how to set up a free thing where i can stick photos on. Any advice?