My tank...2 yrs old.


Ok, decided it's time to get some criticism for my lackluster tank. Had it for 2 years, and it looks nothing like the ones I see on here. I am starting to have a bit more time and interest in going to the next level. Before, I really just had it as decoration. Had saltwater tanks forver, but never really got into it much.
And although I havent lost any fish except a couple, tank seems to be at a standstill as far as coraline etc.
I have made some posts about getting chemistry right etc and think I'm on the right path now.
I do not have room for refug/sump etc and stuck with canister and wet dry. Next tank will be in next ome we have built and i"ll do that one right.
60 hex
cc base
cascade canister 700 with
milenium wet/dry 2000
rio 800 powerhead
250 watt mh


pic of the cascade under the stand...i know, ill get a sump/refug for my next big tank...i have to learn a lot more before i get my 300


Active Member
First let me say that I love your tank. It looks good. I think you need more live rock. That means its time to set up a 10 gallon medical tank to cure the rock. Get more and build up.
Ounce you have added it add some corals. Take it slow adding 1 coral at a time. This has many advantages the best of which is that you can be selective about what goes in. Pick stuff that you like.
Can I also suggest a hood. 3 reasons one is that I had a Goby jump it its death out of my med tank(no top). Second I like the light to come thru the water and not out of the top (this is a preference thing you may disagree). Third I would hate to see splashing on the wood walls.
Lastly I love the wood floor and paneling. 2 decorating suggestions. Paint that ceiling and remove that torch light from behind the tank. It distracts from the tank.


thanks nin...i wasnt expecting anyone to say it looked good lol...
Rocks are a definate. I purposely left space so that I can fill it at some point and build a structure for coral. My LFS has all of the coral mounted to rock as well already, which to me is convenient since now i dont have to.
I dont want a hood, i actually had a hood until i got the pendant light. I kinda like the way at night the ripples of the water echo throughout the room. I'm not worried about fish jumping out, and I actually had eggcrate for a short time, but i couldn't believe how much light it ate up!
Im also not worried about splashing. Doesnt seem to be salt creep anywhere, and I have a good coating of murphy's oil soap on the walls and floor. I am very careful durng water changes etc to wipe up anything and have a towel down. Looking back, i do see i need to clean the damn stand though!
I will definately remove that torch lamp...great suggestion. I actually didn't notice it since it's been there for 2 years now since we moved in lol...but that's why people post, to get some good feedback, and I appreciate yours!
Thanks again!


y do u have a mh without corals?? thats what their for. well maybe u didnt get any yet. but what k is that mh? if its 10k u will need to get some actinic. thats y ur coraline isnt growing good. u dont really need to add that much more rock,cause the coral is on rocks(most of the time) so that will add rock. other than that the tank looks great. that would be a perfect sea horse tank!!lol


Active Member
I like it, just a little color is needed hopefully youll want corals, seeing as you a pretty set up for them. A cpl of nice zoo's, maybe a brain and a bubble - two of my fav's....and I would put a nice size colt on the bottom. Keep us posted on the progression!!


I got the mh because i have 2 anemones and some polyps, and I wanted to add the light before I got more coral so I am all ready for the coral now. With some help and wonderful advice from bang, thomas and a couple of others, I am really getting a handle on the alk-calc-ph relationship and my parameters are getting close to what they need to be, although I will wait about 1 more month to add coral..I want to make SURE I understand it and can adjust as needed.
It is a blueline 250 w 10k light, I did not think I needed any other light source for coral.
My coraline isn't good because I had poor lighting before. And because my chemistry, more importantly, was never up to par to support good growth.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it!


I will definately post progression. Thats why I also posted..almost a before and after thing.
I am very excited to get coral next month...I got some good advice about chemistry, and have read a great deal on it now. Water parameters are getting close, but by bang's advice I'm going slow to stabilize the tank and learn to adjust it if nessecary.
I hope to post a couplke of "wow" pics myself in a few months like your tank stuck!