My tank after "the plague"


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
I am not deniying that the tank is severly overstocked but... its his choice
Exactly, I totally agree. But if he posts in a public forum, he should not be suprised in what he hears. I mean he really didn't say anything but I'm just saying. Just, everyone is entitled to their own opinion is all


Active Member
Originally Posted by jared05
Ok, i realized how big a grouper can get. Im not an idiot. I bought him as a baby, and planned to trade him when he got about 5". Maybe you should spend your time on here helping, and not talking others down.
Poster was trying to help, it was obvious your tank was overstocked, and you were blamming the lose on adding LR and it spiked your water. As the poster said, it was probably to many fish, not the LR that killed your fish.


Active Member
when he bought the LR it wasn't cured or anything. Straight from the ocean. The two sharks are not what you guys think they were. they were these hybrid type sharks that i don't even know what they were but they only grew to a couple of inches. Yes the tank was a lil over stocked but who doesn;t do that on their first tank when they are excited about this new hobby. He is starting over and he is setting up a peaceful tank. Have fun with the tank man.


Active Member
By the way i love that court jester. I wish i could have one but those stupid purples would attack it.
I will wait till i get sick of them and then maybe consider one.


Active Member
I'd say he learned a very expensive lesson. But it's over now and nothing to be gained by getting after it and running him from the forums.
If those fish were all juvies, it wasn't overstocked in the strictest sense of the word. Look in your LFS and see how many can be crammed into a 40. And unlikely that they would all die at once.
I would agree that 30 lb of uncured rock could definitely cause that kind of die-off.

mandarin w

Originally Posted by Skywatcher
Maybe you should do some research before you overstock your tank and cry for help.
I don't think the original poster was upset with what you said, it is how you say it.
When someone is new and still learning they are going to make mistakes, you did, I did, we all did. But we could be a little more tactfull when telling them. No one enjoys being called a stupid idiot, especailly on line for the world to read.


Active Member
Yeah, many yrs ago I had a 60 galH with a lg purple tang, and several other lg fish, I learned the hard way, ammonia went through the roof, and I lost everything. Lessoned learned. Some times I say things to "matter of fact" here, not to be mean but to stronly get my point across, some times if you are to nice and beat around the bush, by saying things like "well maybe you are a bit overstocked" The poster thinks maybe you aren't sure of the answer you are giving, so I answer more sternly, but only on posts I am POSTIVE I am right on, otherwise i go with the "maybe".


If they don't want to be called stupid they should not come to judge Judy


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
If they don't want to be called stupid they should not come to judge Judy
Sorry, if you are here to judge anyone, or feel comfortable calling someone stupid, you are totally missing the human factor.
That isn't what these forums are about.

mandarin w

First off I thought this was, not 'Judge Judy",
Secondly I thought this was the "New Hobbyists forum"
And Finally: You can say "You tank is "X" gallons, and for the fish to swim and get the proper exercise, You should only put this many fish in the tank" And believe it or not you still sound like you know what you are talking about. But by saying something like, "Do research, and don't overstock your tank and come crying to us about it" or " Well if you want to be an impatient idiot, and cram a bunch of fish into a new tank, don't cry to me" is harsh and uncalled for. Not everyone here is a college professor, and sometime when they read the articles and books, they don't quite understand what they are taking about, and then they see people posting so mean, they are to embarrassed to ask their question. and then they have problems. The only time I can understand getting upset is when that person asked about how to stock their tank, and did not take the advice giving, and then started crying about it. Another thing to concider is that some of the posters on here are infact kids.


Originally Posted by sign guy
Why dose everone get so mad when someone overstocks there tank? Its there tank and they can do as they please.
it's the internet, i don't think anyone is mad, i for one am not just perplexed, the same way i would be if i saw someone keep a saint bernard on a 5 foot chain
i mean if someone put a baby nurse shart in a 20 gallon aquarium, would you say "nice tank dude"? :notsure:


Originally Posted by sign guy
I am not deniying that the tank is severly overstocked but... its his choice
of course, and it's his choice to post his severely overstocked aquarium on here for everyone to judge and it's my choice to remind him how overstocked it actually was, that is the whole purpose of a message board, to exchange ideas, opinions, share facts etc :happyfish


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
they were these hybrid type sharks that i don't even know what they were but they only grew to a couple of inches.
a hybrid shark that only grows a couple of inches? this is the first i have ever heard about this kind of "fish"


Active Member
Originally Posted by jared05
Ok, i realized how big a grouper can get. Im not an idiot. I bought him as a baby, and planned to trade him when he got about 5". Maybe you should spend your time on here helping, and not talking others down.
Seems like this post is what started the issues... the post he replied to was trying to help...
Anyway, for future reference, a 5" grouper in a 40 gallon is way overstocked. You have to consider how much the fish will eat and how much waste it will produce. Any grouper in a 40 is a bad idea.
You also have to consider that a 5" grouper would have considered all the other tank mates "lunch".
The tank is too small for a Tang. The tank is also too small for a Mandarin. The 2 Domino Damsels would have grown up to be terrors in a tank that size.
Hope that helps.


Active Member
I think both 1Journeyman and Puffer have valuable points, but I strongly agree with Puffer that alot of times your not meaning to be "mean" or talk down to anyone it's just your trying to get your point across.......I think the poster knows research the next time around.....