my tank has grown twice as big......thats what she said.


I bought me a new tank, its a 24g aquapod and its finally got some lr in it. It sat just sand and water for over a week because I didnt have time to pick out my 'perfect' rocks but I feel like Ive done a resonably good job of that. Far better than my first tank (12g aquapod) lots of holes and caves for all my awesome new fish. I like the shelf. Enough about my rocks. Lets talk stocklist;
Maroon Clown
Cherub Angel
Purple Pseudochromis (or a bicolor blenny)
Reef Lobster
Cleaner Shrimps
Maybe Emerald Crabs
As well as various softies etc.
Pictures Of My Awesome Rockwork:

and a side angle so you can see the awesome cave rock:


At an LFS around town theres basically what looks like an ice scraper on the end of a stick. I figure that will work. The rocks are stacked to the sides of my 12g and its not too much trouble to clean around them.