My Tank !!! HELP !!!


I have a 55 gallon Saltwater fish tank. Its been up and running for about 7 months. I have a filter that goes on the back, a protien skimmer, Live sand and live rock..
Everything was running great. I had One sailfin tang, 2 domino damsels, Starfish, and one mimic tang, one cleaner shrimp
The last fish i added was a mimic tang.. He looked as if he had a little bit of ich on its fins.
Time went Bye....
First to go my cleaner shrimp, Then the tang......
Then THE DAMSELS DIE ( If u kill a damesle thats BAD!!)
Now I have two survivors the starfish and the sailfin....
My sailfin looks like complete and total ----. Very franticky and is like shedding...
Ive had ich before and i thought thats what it was so ive been treating the tank for it.
All my water parmaeters are good. My salts good. m heat is good
Please Help Me
I was really getting into this hobby and now everything has gone to complete ----!!


what are you (Treating the tank) with. wild guess is that the checmical (if you are treating with a chemical) either is not doing as promised by the bottle or tank got overdose. before we get to that though you might want to post in the desease forum your issue and exact parameters to include what you are using to treat the tank.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. hope we can help.