I did bring my water to the store today, they tested ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,nitrate,ph,calcium,phosphates, and iron.
ammonia was 8mg/l
nitrite was ...i believe 4mg/l
nitrate was 20
ph was 8.4
calcium was 480
phosphates and iron were 0
My water change today was 20 out to 22%. I usually keep my SG up around 1.025 because i notice the corals seem to open more...even though it's harder on the today I did the water change with 1.022 water to try and slowly bring the SG to around 1.022 or 1.023 to hopefully ease some stress on the fish. Do you think this would be wise to do in my next change as well? I'll make the next change around 35 gallons..most likely on friday morning. Thanks again.