My tank is DYING!!!



Everything is dying! Okay...we got ich in our tank. Found it Christmas morning...tried helping what we could until LFS opened the next caught the two tangs (hippo and powder brown)...which was a feat with all our live rock. Did a fresh water dip...seemed to help...
Next morning...go to LFS...he says to do Rally. Ok....then...Rally..this stuff right here next to the Kick Ich?? me... FINE! &!*(@#( Whole bottle of Rally...not fine. The day we start Rally...hippo dead by nightfall. Powder still weathering well and 2 clowns seem unaffected with the disease.
Ok, whole bottle Rally gone...still Ich on the tang. Go to LFS Kick Ich...don't even ask any questions...leave. Seems to be doing the trick!:cheer: Go to work one morning (day 3 of treatment from the back of bottle I believe) and both clowns dead. Blue starfish...hanging on the glass by one tentacle. I move him to make sure he's alive...he moves...that's good.
Wake up this morning...tang practically black with black ich and looks like he's been dipped for a margarita with all the white spots he had on the newly found black crap. Still treating with Kick Ich. Where's the starfish...oh he's in the clowns old home (a clay pot), but it looks like someone has been eating him. The tang? Who knows...he's probably going to die.
What the heck do I do????
Tank specs:
60 gallon
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 blue star (I think)
1 powder brown tang
approx. 30 snails
3 queen conchs
40-50 pounds of live rock
lights, powerheads, filters etc.
Do you need any other info? I tested pH and Alk...both within limits...for the more in depth...I go to LFS so I don't have the testing supplies.
Any ideas??


New Member
Sorry to here about your losses. I just posted in the "new to the Hobby" forum and related what I've experienced this last month with my 55 gal.
I did use "Kick Ick" to treat ick in my tank and I've lost my tang, my clown and my butterfly fish.
But my situation has been different because mine is a new tank.
I don't know if the Kick Ick really helped kill my fish or not, but I think I probably won't use it again.


I would use it again...since I think it's my only choice with the live rock I have...I just don't know if I am doing something wrong. I don't even know how they got it...we never put LFS water in our tank. I just don't get it.
I'm sorry about your new is your tank?


From what I have read on these is a black ick. It looks like black spots. I'm not sure if it only happens on the Powder Browns or not...I have read that it happens on them...but I don't think the tangs are the only ones. The black spots are bigger than the salt looking marks of ick...and they aren't raised bumps either...just looks like black spotches. If you do a search on black ick (spell it both ways...because every one spells it different) and someone posted a picture of it somewhere. HTH!


New Member
I started my tank on Nov. 29.
Before each of my fish died they each turned very gray and dull looking. Almost black in fact, but it was mostly in the back half of their bodies. LFS said Kick Ick could have caused liver damage.BUT I'm not listening to LFS anymore. Like I said , My situation was different though, my tank was not established.


I too am sorry for your loss...the only advice I can give you is getting another tank. It is imperative that you have 2 tanks to transfer any fish to once your tank has become infected....
Just buy a smaller tank and keep it in the basement or in your room. I'm actually looking for a 55 right now just in case my fish gets sick again.


Sorry it took so long to respond...
Powder Brown is dead. Starfish has hope.
Our tank has been set up for about 5 it's pretty established...I thought anyway.
LFS guy said we need more powerheads (we have 2 in there right now...not sure of size...that's my husbands department).
My question now that all the fish are I need to treat my tank in any special way (ie...medications etc.)? I just have the snails, conchs, starfish and 2 shrimp in there now (and the live rock).
Thanks for all your suggestions. I know we need a quarantine's on my list. The fish were properly acclimated to the water when we brought them home...putting our water in the bag and taking water out of the bag and getting rid of it. We would do that in 10 minute intervals for at least 30-45 minutes.
How long until I can put some damsels in there??? I think that's all I am going to keep from now on...LOL


I isolate all fish upon arrival and dose with Aquatronics Greenex. It is an anti-protozoan agent. After acclimation I add fish to tank. So far, so good. I haven't had any parasite problems.


New Member
Do you have a skimmer?
I know that the skimmer will lift the Kick Ick out of the water.
I think that if the ick parasites don't have a host, they will eventually die anyway.
I'm keeping a close eye on this forum so I can learn too!


Sorry about your loss. I know just what you are going through since I have just lost all my fish too. I had a huge ammonia spike and now an off the test chart nitrite reading. Set my tank up on Nov 16 using all the LR LS and most of the water from my 75 gal tank. I have no idea why, at this stage, I had such a large ammonia spike.


:thinking: not to be mean but you said you started your tank on 11/29? was it already done cycling that day or did you set it up that day? if you jus set it up on 11/29 maybe it's not even done cycling yet?? and how would you know without test kits? Also, I think most others on here would agree that a 60g is too small for tangs. I'm not trying to harp on you but poor water conditions and a tank too small can stress fish out and cause things like ich or worse, jus something to think about, good luck.