my tank is hot



I think my tank is hot
87F do i need a chiller?
my fish don't seem to mind it this warm


Active Member
dang .. that's lethal for fish .. is it always this hot or is this an exception? . if it's always this hot I would say go with a chiller . .I have one on my 210 and it always stays at 78.5 .. I have a whole thermostat thing .. when it gets below 78 my heater cuts on .. when it gets above 78 my chiller cuts on .. pretty nifty


If it is this hot all the time the i agree that is too hot. If you do get a chiller, don't just drop the temp all at once though. I would drop it a degree and them wait a few hours at the least until you get it down to where you want it. Just me .02 worth

30-xtra high

Active Member
thats odd that your fish don't care?, but there might be a cheaper way than a chiller. ever think about moving your tank to your basement?, my dad used to keep our 125 freshwater in our garage, couldn't sit down to look at it... but it's nice when you're working and you can just look over at it.


I cool mine with a fan. I have an open top and T5 lighting so it does not get real hot. My old tank had an enclosed canopy and metal halide lights. It was a bear to keep cool. I had to open the top a little and run two fans. One in the canopy and one over the sump.


No Basement.... it does not stay at this temp 24-7 it warms up during the day, and drops 85 to 82 during the night. I have MH lighting and does have a versa glass top. it sets 6-7 inches off the tank. My light said on the lable not to run it open water, so I have been keeping the lid open while the lights are on, but last night I kept the lid open all night and my temps are better this am. If you think I could completly remove the versa top I will. It is a Current USA Sunpod 36" 150w x 2 =300 total watts


Active Member
I'd consider removing the top. Excess heat is being trapped by the glass. You can also purchase a couple of small clip on fans to blow across the surface of the water. This might help as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
I'd consider removing the top. Excess heat is being trapped by the glass. You can also purchase a couple of small clip on fans to blow across the surface of the water. This might help as well.
Yep, gotta remove that top or you're gonna have fish soup


Active Member
Originally Posted by bonita69
No Basement.... it does not stay at this temp 24-7 it warms up during the day, and drops 85 to 82 during the night. I have MH lighting and does have a versa glass top. it sets 6-7 inches off the tank. My light said on the lable not to run it open water, so I have been keeping the lid open while the lights are on, but last night I kept the lid open all night and my temps are better this am. If you think I could completly remove the versa top I will. It is a Current USA Sunpod 36" 150w x 2 =300 total watts
Have you tried fans? Blow what ever fan you have across the top of the water for a day or so and see if that works. If so, rig one up. I found some steel 5 inch cage fans that are awesome at Target.


it is coming down took the top off and drops to about 83 night and 85 during the day or when the lights come on, but I think a fan will help get it around 82 while lights are on, I like the 80- 82 range


vast majority of coral reefs are found where water temperatures are between 80°F and 89°F.
So why should we keep our tanks lower than these temps?


Active Member
87 degrees is not fatal for most livestock. It might possibly be fatal if the temperature jumped from 80 to 87 in an instant, but the slow rising of temperature to that degree will not be harmful, though it might make them a little uncomfortable. At most, you might've killed off some of your bacteria with the high temp.
I personally keep my tank around 81. I find it interesting that a lot of people favor the mid to high 70s. These aren't freshwater fish you know =P. I guess people just have different preferences.
By the way, I had a heater malfunction recently and the temperature was up to 90. Nothing died and everything is fine.