My tank looks like Junk


Ok My tank has been up and running for a week now, I have put it Bio Bacteria for algee growth and some tank conditioner. the water went from white to green, and it looks like crap. I just put in some rocks today, Fake rocks and I am not sure that is what I should have done. I am not happy and am not sure the my soon to be fish will like it as a home. The problem, I live on Guam While I am surrounded by the reef, no one sells it, and sand no one sells it, sure I want to get it from the beach, but is it good sand and rock? I want some coral but am not sure what to Grab. Getting stuff shipped here takes weeks. I need some advise, these growing pains are bothering me. also how long does it take for the green algee to cycle through and clear up? I need some help and am sorry if I due no rspond fast my time zone is way off and getting a computer is difficult.


Hmm, that's a tough one. I wouldn't worry about using bio bacteria or anything to cycle your tank. That's probably what caused the algea bloom. Do you have sand in your tank from the ocean. This should be just as good as store bought live sand. I would considder ditching the fake rocks. They do nothing for your tank. I'm not sure what to be cautious of when using sand and rocks from the ocean. I'm sure someone who knows more about that will post.
Where are you planning to get your fish? I'm just curious.


:rolleyes: Sorry for the delay, yes I have sand, I got some from the ocean floor. I want to put fish in the tank this weekend maby some cleaner shrip first. I got rid of the fake stuff, that looked like junk, now i have some sand and rock with some coral, it was wrong to due what i did but well worth it.


Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. You have a good excuse for taking from the ocean. It's your only option. However those of us who have more access to aquacultured fish and corals should take some advantage. There is no way this hobby would survive if we didn't take something from our oceans, but as long as we stay concerned we can keep it to a minimum and the ocean and our hobby can BOTH thrive. Sorry for my little rant. Good luck with your tank.



Originally posted by Raphael
I live on Guam While I am surrounded by the reef, no one sells it, and sand no one sells it, sure I want to get it from the beach, but is it good sand and rock?

Someone asked this question a while back, and there were many good answers.
Here's the link to that thread.
Be sure to read the whole thread, it talks about using water from the ocean, and also using sand from the ocean.