my tank pics

old hermit

forgot 1 thing
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Looks pretty good hermit. Watch out for those zoanthids tho, I believe they are poisonous. Tank looks a little murky and underlit in the shots.


zoanthids=button polyps. what it looks like you have. All corals can carry an infective bacteria too called vibrio, or so I've read.
I love button polyps, but am shying away from them because of recent literature.
I want some hard corals in my tanks and leather, so according to recent lit. I could have some problems. Zoanthids would compound any possible problems with corals, IMO. But, I'm not sure.

old hermit

well that sucks i thought they were safe <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Your probably ok. Don't touch them, and put your fingers in your mouth or eyes tho. According to some more recent literature, native americans use to use zoanthids to tip their

and paralize animals with their toxin. Or maybe that was leather corals?


Hello hermit. How long have you had it. I just started my tank a month ago and I'm getting my second shipment of live rock tomorrow. cant wait!


Oh, by the way, nice set up. I never knew polyps were bad either. I learn something new on this board every day.


K.Lee - All corals CAN be harmful to people. Vibrio is one of, if not the, most common bacteria strains in the ocean. All these bacteria can cause infections in people. Corals can sting too. If you have not had nemocysts fired into an open wound before, you should really try it :) It is lots of "fun" (trust me). When they sting you these bacteria get into your open wound and can cause awful, life threatening, infections (don;t ask how I know ;) ). The Keyt is to be smart :) and not put open sores or wounds in the tank in the first place.


Originally posted by Luke:
<strong>K.Lee - All corals CAN be harmful to people. Vibrio is one of, if not the, most common bacteria strains in the ocean. All these bacteria can cause infections in people. Corals can sting too. If you have not had nemocysts fired into an open wound before, you should really try it :) It is lots of "fun" (trust me). When they sting you these bacteria get into your open wound and can cause awful, life threatening, infections (don;t ask how I know ;) ). The Keyt is to be smart :) and not put open sores or wounds in the tank in the first place.
I've been keeping corals or tring to 5-10 years b4 this site existed, ie.1999. At any rate, thanks.


Active Member
Nice looking tank ;)
Ive had a cetain colony of zooanthus polyps for about 6 years now, they have been in 4 different tanks, and never caused a problem as far as toxins, at least no coral in their area has ever dropped dead for no reason ;) Currently I have about a dozen species, and although they can release toxins, like any other coral, the only problem I have ever had with them is that they grow at a very rapid rate under the proper conditions and can grow into and over other corals <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> Im really into the brightly colored ones and would suggest them to any new reefer who wants an easy to care for starter coral ;) HTH

old hermit

i added a few more pics. im getting some more lr when tax refund gets here. then maybe ill start getting a few corals.


Active Member
I have buttom polyps all over my tank and have never had problems. Maybe your posts dissapear because you tell people their tanks are murky and underlit.. It is a work in progress as he said. Accentuate the posetive. I think it looks good for a start.. As far as the bacteria. I would bet you 100 to 1.. there are many more hazards from us to the tank than from the tank to us..
Just my thoughts..
PS. there is nothing more I like to do than take my hands directly out of the water and rub my eyes and mouth.. :)


Active Member
i jsut gotta say it, your post are more than likely disappearing because of your ability to reply in such an obnoxious manner, this is what gets deleted, not good sane and helpful advice, i have seen several posts tonight that i wish i had not(personally), and in the defense of hte moderators, they have not yet, that i have seen, deleted any posts that were undeserving
and you are extremely contradicting and rude, not advising, and even contradict your self, how do you do it??
adn is there not a post you did not smash or something tonight
nuff said


Originally posted by wamp:
<strong>I have buttom polyps all over my tank and have never had problems. Maybe your posts dissapear because you tell people their tanks are murky and underlit.. It is a work in progress as he said. Accentuate the posetive. I think it looks good for a start.. As far as the bacteria. I would bet you 100 to 1.. there are many more hazards from us to the tank than from the tank to us..
Just my thoughts..
PS. there is nothing more I like to do than take my hands directly out of the water and rub my eyes and mouth.. :) </strong><hr></blockquote>
Ok. I agree about the hands thing. I'm more cautious than ever tho, for my own safety.
As far as telling people they are unlit, or murky do a search, I think you'll find the opposite true as I replied to "old hermiot" the best I could thoink what you want.
LOL at where you put your fingers working on a tank. Don't ask me to
"de-paralize" yoo. ;)