my tank pics

comments welcome..i have some valonia problem but thats all, some hard blue tip that I frag is now dead due to yellow polyps covering it, i feed my fish once a day and add almost a gallon of water a day..cheers :) :) :)
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nm reef

Active Member
Sweet!! Very sweet!!
More info.....size?How long has it been set up?Lighting? Filtration? I like it...... :D
thx all for comments, 45G bow been up for 9mths, salinity 1.028(a little high but everything seems ok) NO3=0, Nitrate=0, ammonia=0, 2 175W halide, 2 96W actinic PC, rena filter, prizm skimmer, 2 power heads with alternating current..
Originally posted by Richard Rendos:
<strong>Looks nice. Is the red hard coral a pocillopora?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I think its an just turned darker due to lighting..this was the color when I bought it or similar to it..


Very nice corals. Looking good. I love your green star polyps.
Hey, that coral you don't know the name of is a Torch coral I think.