New Member
Hey guys. I'm new to this whole salt water tank thingy, but so far everything was going good. Until now. Let me describe my setup for you and then tell you the problem. I set up a 55gal tank in mid Feb. With 40 lbs of live sand, about 20 lbs of live rock (so far), and a wet dry filter. I have a nemo (clownfish) and a yellow tang, a gubbie, and some crabs. I had also bought a flame angel. The clown and the tang got a bacterial infection so I went to pet supermarket and got drops to put in the tank. I proceeded with the instructions and the infection got cured. I decided to check my water levels because I noticed the fish were swimming funny as if they were stressed. 2 days later i found my flame angel to have white spots ALL over him.. and a day later he died
Here are the water levels!
pH-- went from about 8.4 to 8
Ammonia- went from 0 to 1ppm
Nitrites-- went from 0 to 2 (maybe even higher!!)
Nitrates went from around 5 to about 15 (almost 20)
Water temp-- about 82
So I figured that maybe the drops killed all the good bacteria living in the tank. I went ahead and removed 20 gallons of water and put in new water and i bought a protein skimmer, Kent ammonia Detox and Stability. I added both for 4 days...the water levels stayed the same with the ammonia fluctuating to .5ppm and the nitrites to about 1. And everything's back up again today (day 5)!!! I dont know what else to do?! can anyone please help me before any more fish die?!! :help:
pH-- went from about 8.4 to 8
Ammonia- went from 0 to 1ppm
Nitrites-- went from 0 to 2 (maybe even higher!!)
Nitrates went from around 5 to about 15 (almost 20)
Water temp-- about 82
So I figured that maybe the drops killed all the good bacteria living in the tank. I went ahead and removed 20 gallons of water and put in new water and i bought a protein skimmer, Kent ammonia Detox and Stability. I added both for 4 days...the water levels stayed the same with the ammonia fluctuating to .5ppm and the nitrites to about 1. And everything's back up again today (day 5)!!! I dont know what else to do?! can anyone please help me before any more fish die?!! :help: