One more question, Do i have to build hiding places for my fish? Or does the live rock do it for me? I'm thinking I have to stack and stuff and build the places for the fish to hide!
well with over 100LBS of live rock any way you put it in there will create hiding spots. Just stack it in and make it look how you like...i made a little bridge thing will a long piece of rock its really cool, the fish always find a way to swim through. Really, theres no way that you could arrange that much rock and not have any hiding spots
well thanks for all the info! I just put the first live rock in there today! I was very expensive, from the local pet store, I'm gonna order some from here now! It's way more cheaper!! sells florida rock 30 is ok
you should surf the web under live rock aquarium.
you can get some getting LALO delivered thusday
30lb for $125 $4.16lb delivered to the door (should be good quality).
also look for baserock i got 50lb delivered for about $100.
you will need a veriety of rock to be happy. all flat florida stuff is over kill.
if you like post your email and people can send names of places (not fair to do on the sight)
good luck:happyfish