My tank


I am looking to start a reef aquarium. What do you think I should add first. All of my parameters are good.
Currently I have 3 10,000k and 2 50/50
I am looking to update lighting but gotta save a little first.
Let me know what you guys think.


Active Member
Nice set up u have there:D U should definetly wait 4 better lightin if ur gonna go reef. make sure ur tank has finished cyclin or ur gonna have problems wit ur inhabitants took my tank over a month 2 finish ish cycle.maybe a fish or 2 4 now 2 test out ur water then as ur tank begins 2 mature add an invert. jus take things slowly n dun rush 2 add new things in cause this can lead 2 disaster. as long as u do ur research ask 4 help from these ppl on this forums ur tank will look awesome:D


I couldn't tell if you had one from the pics. Definitely gotta have a good protien skimmer for a reef.:happyfish


Thanks guys. what color should I get? Just plain blue or black, or something with a design. I don't want it to take away from anything.


try painting it on. looks great and water wont get between it and the glass.i bought my paint @ lowes,cheap and easy.


i went with robins blue i think.been awhile.ask @ the paint dept.lowes home depot etc. as far as type of paint.cant remember:notsure:


before you paint put blue and black backgrounds on to see what your eye likes best hate to see you paint then wish you did the other color


Active Member
Yes, before you paint use some construction paper close to the color you would like. Stick them to the back of the glass with some tape and live with that for a day or so , then change it to the other color(s) you would be considering. Cheap and a great way to see what color you really like.
I did this and eliminated the black right away. I just did not like the look of it and prefer the blue.
Good Luck.....:cheer: