My Tank


mushrooms i think are low lvl lighting but the anemone is kinda a coral and will die in a tank not lighted enough. I suggest u get some hermits and some snails if u dont mind the wait this is probably the cheapest site to get them, how many gallons is this again?


Nvm coralliene will come with the higher lvl lighting not with the other corals lol

And yea a slightly bigger cleaning crew would help but with low lvl lighting comes low amounts of algae so until you get better lights your fine


Active Member
Originally Posted by whaa...?
IMO you should just buy dead rock its really cheap $1.10 a lbs where i live....
Nice tank for a starter just another question and some suggestions.....
Question: What does your cleaning crew consist of?
Is that an eel in bottom right hand corner of pic 3?
Suggestion: Get 2 or 3 coral to brighten up the tank and start the spread of coralliene.
Looks like an engineer goby. Super cool. Off the subjuct for a sec., Where is No where Kansas?


Active Member
The reason I ask is I am about 1 hr S. of the border in Okla. I have to go 2 hrs. to OKC for anything decent. Any in Whicita? or closer to Okla?


Active Member
GAfish- Which dept do you work for? If you don't mind me asking. YEARS back, I was going to work for cobb county, but decided to go back to school. I'm a great shot, but I have temper control issues sometimes. I had taken the 1st written test and the physical agility test, but I realized I could get myself in A LOT more trouble as an officer than having a normal office job. Oh yeah, and what do you carry?