My Tank


Active Member
Exile, your frogspawn is positively LUSCIOUS!! :joy:
WHAT is that coral in the 1st pic of post #6? That is AWESOME - does it need a lot of light?
Where do you live and would you EVER think of selling some frags???


Thanks,I live in california, I'm willing to trade or sell. It's just I really hate shipping livestock. I don't trust those crazy fedex,UPS drivers ..
also abuot the coral I don't understand which post your talking about so i'll name all of the first coral pictures I posted.
Torch Coral
Star Polyps
Green Hairy Mushrooms.


those are green hairy mushrooms. those are my favorite. they look so BEAUTIFUL under actinic lights.


Active Member
I want I want! I need I need!!! MUST have 'em! GOTTA have 'em!!!

Are they like the rest of the mushrooms (ie; lower light, medium flow etc.)? :thinking:
Too bad u live on the other side of the continent, man. I'd TOTALY take some of those off your hands.

Kudos on the pix, really and truly.


THANK YOUUUU MIMZY. im glad you like em, well if they're a must need come drive here. is gas they're chea p?!!! hehehe


Active Member
i LOVE green harries!!! i want some!!! My LFS has some BEUTIFUL green fuzzies that are like 55 bucks for the rock. BEUTIFUL though. AND my fav color!! But i have a green hammer and frogspawn and zoos, so i want to widen my variety of colors. (i only have two corals taht are NOT green. haha)


Active Member
what is in the pic right below the harrys? The 2nd pic of the 6th post? What type of leather is that? I got one that looks like that from my LFS. It is a small frag. But i got it for 5 bucks!

what lighting do you have and size tank?