My Tank


Active Member
Wow, how old is your tank and how big is your loan to afford all those awesome corals.
Very nice!!!! How long have you been in the hobby?


hi rberhow, my tank is about 2 and a half months. My corals I get really cheap from LFS discounts and deals. $150 for 10 corals, LPS and stuff. no SPS hard corals. so it's about $15 each coral. I have like 15 corals in the tank. I've been in this hobby for about a year.


Active Member
awsome!! frogs, hammers, and toadstools are my favs. i have the hammer and frog. Got them both recently.
looks great though!!1


Originally Posted by fishieness
awsome!! frogs, hammers, and toadstools are my favs. i have the hammer and frog. Got them both recently.
looks great though!!1
awesome man have fun with the hammer and frog !! i wanna get a toadstool but i've heard it will get HUGE and take over the tank :mad: correct me if im wrong. if not ILL GET ONE ASAP


Active Member
no, they do get very large
dont know if i will end up getting one. Maybe ill reserch how to frag it so if i do get one and it gets large i will have no problems :joy:


Active Member
ive had a toadstool now in my tank for about 3-4 months and it has grown about 5X's its original size and it keeps goin up towards the light.... yeah im sure oneday ill have to remove him but till then ill let him get bigger they have some at my lfs that are about 20"s across on the top.... and about a foot tall.... mines like 8"s across and like 8"s tall.... they are cool though.... my frog is doin good too started with 3 heads now has 2 more forming... hammers look really good too under actinics...
cool tank!


Active Member
well i had him under 500 watts pc on my 100 gallon but now hes under 500 watts MH 20K and about 200 watts 10K PC now.... lights have only been up for the last week ill let u know if he continues to grow fast or slow down!


Originally Posted by murph145
well i had him under 500 watts pc on my 100 gallon but now hes under 500 watts MH 20K and about 200 watts 10K PC now.... lights have only been up for the last week ill let u know if he continues to grow fast or slow down!
Nice, Do you have a chiller with those MH Lights ? They get REALLY REALLY hot right ?