my tank

i dont know if you guys remember , but it was dlight692000, o well i need some suggestions
current tank-
125 two drilled overflows
120lbs of live sand
about 75lbs of live rock
big turbo floater skimmer
large sump wet dry, and a 18 watt uv sterilizer double helix, with a slow pump on it
fish- cleaner wrasse, fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, good size sailfin tang, good size hippo tang, hectors goby, couple cool damsels, coral beauty angel
what else do you think i should add, i have had these fish in the tank for like 4 months with no trouble at all, no ick or anything. they eat caulerpa out of my reef and iodine pellets. whats next?
i know man i know , but i want somthin big, i think im gonna grab like 50 lbs of figi live rock with mushrooms all over it tomorrow and dump it in, today at work i went in and my boss told me to tare down the 125 reef and make it "pretty" again cause it was all crappy with algae so i started to pluck the algae and i was like , how about i just take out this live rock.. and add more sand and catch that dottyback that kills everything and take the live rock we sell and make a swap. reef tank LR for the LR we sell and he said well do whatver you got to do, so i did and it looks real nice now, so im gonna grab it all tomorrow for like 3.15 a lb(my huge discount! lol) if all the levels check out right in the live rock tank, then i may want to add a 4-6 inch queen angel cause it was on the list for like 55 bucks man


that much LR will cycle your tank all over for you. also queens are generally bad for a reef tank. other thought, do you have the lighting to support mushrooms??
it isnt a reef tank man, i tore down the reef tank at work and im gonna use the live rock from the reef tank at work for my tank at home. and all the rock is fully cured right out of our nice reef