My tank


My tank has been going for about 2 weeks now and i am pleased with it so far... here it what i have...30Gal with a Penguin 330 Biofilter, 250 watt heater, a powerhead recommended by s local shop, 20lbs of live sand and about 30-35lbs of Live fiji rock (15lbs of which is still at a local shop being cured). The water perameters have all tested to where they need to be. The pics i am posting are not current...there is more rock in the newer pics...I am waiting until tonight to post current pics because i stirred up the sand and it got a slight bit cloudy which should be cleared up by the time i get home tonight.
Please give me some suggestions on what kinds of fish would be good to start out with.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue300ZX
My tank has been going for about 2 weeks now and i am pleased with it so far... here it waht i have...30Gal with a Penguin 330 Biofilter, 250 watt heater, a powerhead recommended by 20lbs of live sand and about 30lbs of Live fiji rock. The water perameters have all tested to where they need to be. The pics i am posting are not current...there is more rock in the newer pics...I am waiting until tonight to post current pics because i stirred up the sand and it got a slight bit cloudy which should be cleared up by the time i get home tonight.
Please give me some suggestions on what kinds of fish would be good to start out with.
Nice set up Blue. Just so the mods don't get ya. Take the thing off here. They frown on that because you cannot post things like that. Don't worry alot of ppl do it or have done it before they knew better. By the way, welcome. Looks like you are off to a great start.


Here are the newest pics of the tank...the rest of my rock is at the local store being cured...I will be picking it up this weekend. In the pics i am posting now...if you look by the filter intake, you can kind of see a spot on my tank...i cant seem to get a good pic of it but it is red in color with a black spot in the center...can anyone tell me what it could be ???
PS...look at the top LR I love the fact that it has a shell fused into it !!!



Yeah...i am picking up the rest of my LR this weekend...and I am thinking of just doing a Dark BLue or Black background.
Originally Posted by vi3tb0i
o and WE need to get a background and more liverock


Looking good guys.. I also have a 29g and I'm about 3 weeks in. I don't have any pics yet though. 30lbs base rock, live sand, fluval404, 200w heater and a Seaclone 100 protein skimmer. I have 2 perc clowns so far and I'm looking to add the cleaning crew soon. Cleaner shrimp, snails etc.


A good, harty, cheep, beginner, non agressive, easy to net out if you dont want them later, fun to watch 6 or more of them school fish is the Green Chromis. You can get the fake ones (Not as green and dont have the black under there fin) for about 2.50 to 3.00 per fish. Clown fish are also good as they are hearty also however much more prone to stress in my opinion and cost more.


Originally Posted by cushen123
So it took less than 3 weeks to cycle your tank?
Yup, I used the 3 blue damsels to cycle along with the live sand and some Nutrafin Cycle. Ammonia level didn't go up al that much but after the 5th day my Nitrites were off the charts for about 6 days then they went right back down to 0. All in all, 11 days. I've done 2 10% water changes since the cycle ended and my system is pretty stable. Although I'm anxious for some algae to start growing so I can add a cleanup crew.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ppm411
Yup, I used the 3 blue damsels to cycle along with the live sand and some Nutrafin Cycle. Ammonia level didn't go up al that much but after the 5th day my Nitrites were off the charts for about 6 days then they went right back down to 0. All in all, 11 days. I've done 2 10% water changes since the cycle ended and my system is pretty stable. Although I'm anxious for some algae to start growing so I can add a cleanup crew.
Your gonna get flammed by somebody!!!! Shouldn't cycle with the Damsels most would say....Just a thought....


I get flammed every time I mention it. If I was to do it again I would use a ghost shrimp. But then again, what about the poor shrimp that would've wound up in my belly? :thinking: