My Tank


New Member
I have a 55 gallon sw tank are these fish ok
1 Yellow Tang
1 Percula Clownfish
1 Green Chromis
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Domino Damsel
1 Coral Beauty
1 Bicolor Blenny
1 Green Mandarin
1 Chocolate Chip Star
3 Green Emerald Crab
1 Pink and Green Cucumber
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Porcelain Crab
1 Red Brittle Star
6 Ncessarious Snails


I have some concerns about your list, not the least of which is making sure you don't add them all at once on a newly cycled tank (assuming it has cycled). how long has your tank been up and running and do you have live rock/sand?

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by Markprior22
I have a 55 gallon sw tank are these fish ok
1 Yellow Tang
1 Percula Clownfish
1 Green Chromis
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Domino Damsel
1 Coral Beauty
1 Bicolor Blenny
1 Green Mandarin
1 Chocolate Chip Star
3 Green Emerald Crab
1 Pink and Green Cucumber
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Porcelain Crab
1 Red Brittle Star
6 Ncessarious Snails

take out the star, the mandarin, the cucumber, the damsel, and the chromis....they wont do good in a new tank and will surely die...well..the damsel and chromis can live thru hell..but theyre very territorial for such little fish and will terrorize your more prized fish....remember to let ur tank fully cycle, do lots of research, and add only 1 fish at a time..on sum exceptions u can add 2..such as 2 clowns at once..i think that covers it...


The YT is a no go. Damsels are mean, scratch them. As far as the mandarine, you cannot house enough rock to support his dietary needs. Same goes for the CC star, although they can be spot fed. I wouldn't do the cucumber either. You are fine with the clown, one chromis, 1 blenny and the Coral Beauty. The crabs, brittle (don't add it until your tank is over 8 month old and slowly drip acclimate it for over 4 hours)and shrimp are fine.