my tank


Originally Posted by armywife1314
thanks, ive tried to make it as nice as i can for him, my husband wanted it. yes its his first, thankfully he'll only be gone 9 months (while i grow our baby). is yours active, reserve, or guard?
The tank will have a lot of growth by the time he gets home!
My husband is National Guard, he has been home 10 months now after being gone for 17 months. We had several pregnant wives in our unit, 2 of them had the webcams at the birth so the new dads could "be there" at delivery.
i feel so bad for guard and reserve they deploy too and dont have all the best equiptment and are still gone a long time and you have to work your lives around when they want them to deploy. my cousins husband is reserve, he's been in 6yrs and been deployed for 3 of them.
i wish the webcam thing was an option. ill have the baby around the end of jan begining of feb and he will be heading home then, im hoping he'll come home then ill have the baby. wishing


Originally Posted by armywife1314
i wish the webcam thing was an option. ill have the baby around the end of jan begining of feb and he will be heading home then, im hoping he'll come home then ill have the baby. wishing
He may make it home for the baby. We had one guy get home for R&R less than 24 hours before their baby was born.
looking good, you need to add some color though. One of the best pieces of advice I got from my LFS was that your tank is like a piece of real estate. There is only so much room in it and to fill it up with bland (brownish) colors is wasteful. Save your money and buy some bright colors rather than buying lots of small ugly ones. I had this problem at first too. It is hard to wait when you know what's out there and can be done. Good start!
i get whatever is good looking at my LFS they have about 20 tanks total. they get shipments every other week, they hardly have anything! the only closest store is 30+ minutes away. doing that pregnant and with a 2 year old is nearly impossible.