my tanks with pics


I have 3 tanks the my first is the 24 gal nano I had to buy something since my 30 gal aga broke

this is a pic of my 10 and my 2 1/2 gal tanks in my room

this is a pic of my 2 1/2

this is a pic of my 10 all the corals are closed since all the lights where out before i took the pic



Originally Posted by crazyaqua
Nice living room setup you are more brave then i am keeping your filters near your nice tv and xbox :joy:
lol I was actually thiking about moving my tv and stuff away from my tanks for that reason thanks for the advice tho!


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
it seems as tho u have some dort of reptile on that shelf, do u or is that just a tank?
I have a trio of crested geckos in that cage that are currently breeding I have about 8 cresties total, they help out in paying for all the fish stuff


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
ooh cool i used to have a crestie, nasty lil demon. btw u no id take one of ur hands.....
haha yeah I love em I got a trio of breeding gargoyel geckos that Im trying to sell would you be interested