My Tattoos!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I would SO love to do that if my daughter ever asked!!!
That reminds me that I've already decided that if my son ever asks for a tattoo before he turns 18, the only one I'll let him have is the exact same one I have on my forearm...

He definitely loves it now and he'll only be 4 in June.
Originally Posted by m0nk
I mentioned in the "anti-tat" thread that I had a couple, so here they are:
Left forearm:

Right ankle:

Not the best pics, I used my phone.

Btw NyButterfly03, yours are awesome!
Yours are nice too!!! I like the one on ur forearm a lot!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Yours are nice too!!! I like the one on ur forearm a lot!
Thanks! The shop where I got it had this one hiding in a big mess of design books and they said they had never done it before, so I asked if they wouldn't mind just taking it out of the book.
I gave a $20 tip, so they did. It's totally unique, to my knowledge.

Did you design any of yours? I was mainly thinking that the fairy with the b-dates looked pretty unique.
Originally Posted by m0nk
Thanks! The shop where I got it had this one hiding in a big mess of design books and they said they had never done it before, so I asked if they wouldn't mind just taking it out of the book.
I gave a $20 tip, so they did. It's totally unique, to my knowledge.

Did you design any of yours? I was mainly thinking that the fairy with the b-dates looked pretty unique.
Actually I explained my ideas to Ray my artist and he putsit on paper. I have never been disapointed
That is how most of them have been done except my bunny...I stole that one from somewhere!!!!

Oh an Ray rocks sooo much I always tip betwn 15 & 20 but he gives me mad deals on our tats

tx reef

Active Member
My favorite tatoo is the one on my right calf. I got it last year the day before the Superbowl. Can you tell which team I root for?
I have two others (on each shoulder). One is a skull with some tribal around it and the other is an aquarius symbol.
Here is a pic of the tatoo on my calf right after I got it. I will get pics of my others and post them later...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Funny how that happens huh???
Im already planning add ons to my newest! LOL
You have to check out the convention at Roseland in NYC. Also there is a show called WOMAN IN INK just female artists see if you can track it down. Some of the best woman artists from around the world show up to do work you have to book well in advance if you want a piece.
Neato!!! Maybe I wil look and see what I can find on it!!!
My artist started out in NYC and moved bach here b/c of family!!!!! Lucky me!!!
PS: where in Fl are u??