My ten Gallon


Active Member
Very nice tank....
It sure does not look like a 10 gal, it looks larger. I sure hope that all you folks there in the USA realize how lucky you are to be able to get all those nice and different types of corals for your tanks. We Canadians would kill to have setups like yours. We pay dearly for any corals here as they are shipped into us and we don't have even close to a quarter of the selection you all have there.
I would never post any pics of my tank, the little rock I have and only mushrooms in it makes it quite bare looking. Our rock we pay anywhere's from $9.00 -16.00 per pound.
Very nice tank......



Active Member
Great looking tank..We also got rid of the larger tanks and built up a heap of 0 gal and smaller, mostly smaller tanks and have them all over the house. Once you get a system of doing things worked out, its not any harder than maintaining a large tank the way I look at it, and even though some may have a heap of $$$$ tied up in a 10 or less tank a crash is certainly not as bad as one would have with a 150 or 210 gal tank.....