My Texas Holey Base Rock


Hey All,
So, I started my cycle about a week ago in my 55, and I found this amazing holey rock that I am going to be using for base rock in my FOWLR

I was just wondering if you guys are against using holey rock for sw for any reason, and if so, why? I read that it will help my tank, but I'm not 100 percent sure, so what are the pros and cons ?
I plan on getting about 50lbs of fiji live rock from this site, and eventually, the corraline should spread, right? Here's what I got :
Left side :

Right side:

Full Tank Shot :
rocks with holes seems like it would have pros and cons. it would provide your fish lots of hiding places, which in turn makes them more secure, which will actually make them go out and about more. the con is that it doesn't look like it would have good places for placing corals. basically, the best thing is a combination or different rocks


That is limestone. Limestone is not as porous as liverock. The reason that it is important that your rock be porous is to allow more surface area for bacteria to grow. I have seen tanks with limestone before, but it's mostly used in freshwater african chiclid tanks. I would never use it personally, but I'm sure others will chime in and let you know exactly how much you will need to make it work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robdog696
That is limestone. Limestone is not as porous as liverock. The reason that it is important that your rock be porous is to allow more surface area for bacteria to grow. I have seen tanks with limestone before, but it's mostly used in freshwater african chiclid tanks. I would never use it personally, but I'm sure others will chime in and let you know exactly how much you will need to make it work.
+1 the more porous and *lacey* look it is, them more biological filtration you'll have. Your rock seems to have a lot of sharp corners and strait rock surface. Hope it works for you.


I love the holey rock so much I have it in all of my tanks. Here is my 150 with 250lbs in it and it is only 3 rocks.


Active Member
well it is limestone so its not too bad as base rock but like others have mentioned its not really porous enough to act effectivly as biofiltration. for the weight of it I consider it less than usefull for a marine tank. more a waste of space than anything. if you wanted to use a couple pieces for looks you would be fine but I wouldnt rely on it as your basis for biofiltration.


Active Member
it wil allow bacteria to grow that will break down waste to nitrate but it may not allow for an anerobic zone inside the rock that helps in breaking down nitrate to nitrogen and oxygen and completing the nitrogen cycle. i might be a little worried about the sharp corners with fast moving fish like a large wrasse.


Active Member
this type of rock is usually not preffered in a saltwater tank...was stated earlier, but it will not do wut live rock should do in a saltwater tank.
better put like this. if that rock was a 150lbs of fiji rock, that alone would make your tank much more self effecient. and that would make up a huge percentage of your filtration.with limestone its just a decor.