My tiny harlequin tusk and niger trigger



the trigger was hiding for 4 days and finally came out to eat. he was kinda shy and when i put in my harlequin, he seemed to want to come out more and wasnt as scared when i came up to the tank.


not mine...but mine likes to pop little bubbles that may be at the top of the water...its very funny


Active Member
mine likes to attack fingers and spit water at you.hes the smallest fish in my 125 agressive and he thinks hes the king.


the trigger was extremely shy when i first got him, he hid in my LR and was trying to move my LS so much his lower fin started to shread and i felt bad. the weird thing is that he finally came out after 4 days (the same day hurricane rita hit me) and was very active but still shy. i had 20 ghost shrimp in the tank and they all were cleaning and everything and he never attempted to eat them but half of them dissappeared a few days later. he has like 6 hiding spots that he uses and if the harlequin is resting near one, he'll chase him out even though hes like half his size.


i cycled it using a h.o.t. magnum 350, powerhead, LR, LS, with nothing but RO water and my salt already had a buffer in there. it took close to two weeks. i took it to my friends store to get it tested and everything was good to go. my tank already have a sh*t load of these tiny white slug looking things and they seem to grow pretty fast. it seems like theres more of them everytime i look.


what kind of cleaners can i have with aggressive fish like my harlequin? are blennies ok or would they just become a treat for my harlequin and trigger? the both of them are smaller than 5" right now.


Active Member
I to would like to know this . My wife has a scooter blenny and won't let me get a N triger Or a panther grouper. She's leaning tward a new tank . I want a 180-220 but WOOO thats a lotof $ to save the life of a blenny .


yeah. i didnt spend that much on my whole set up. i paid:
-$160 for a 50 gal stand and tank, its pretty nice
-$40 for the h.o.t. magnum filter
-got the power head for free
-$80 for a 36" coralife power compact
-25# of live fuji rock at $3 a pound
-cant remember how much LS i bought and how many pounds
-$15 for my niger trigger
-$40 for my austrailian harlequin tusk
-$5 for my brittle star (which hasnt been picked on what so ever by my trigger)
-and a few bucks for my salt
all of this stuff i bought from my friends store in houston. even if i bought the stuff from him without a discount, it would have been cheap. all of those items were new as well. its good to have a friend in this industry.