My toadfish just tried to eat my clown trigger


lil gobie

I was feeding my fish goldfish and the trigger was swimming after the same fish the toadfish and the towdfish tried to eat my clown trigger and I just put the toad in another tank and the trigger is very pale he is like white and sand is in his mouth and no fin movement also there is no sign of his or her breathing please respond soon ASAP:nope: :nope: :nervous: :nervous:


he wasn't asking that. Your clown is very stressed as of now.. how big is he? how big is ur toadfish? If the clown makes it through the night/week seperate until equal size. If your clown is small, he most likely wont make it.... :(
as the rest said, goldfish are terrible for health of aggressive fish. look into other sources for food
hope this helps in the slightest bit


Juvenile Clown Triggers have a very high mortality rate in captivity. This event, will not help this guys chances. Put him in a hospital tank, keep the lights off and hope for the best.