My Tomato Clown did it again


So my tomato clown today decided to grab my cleaner shrimp and feed it to my gbta!!! This after he just feed my sally lightfoot crab to it about 2 weeks ago!!! I don't understand it
I just feed a silverside to the anemone about 2 days ago. My clown is now starting to cost me money and its becoming frustarting!!!


I'm waiting to see whats next.. Is the tomato going to grab my lawnmower bleeny and try to throw it in the anemone.. I'm really giving it thought if I want to get rid of my tomato clown for something else... It's crazy


I have read somewhere on a form that a maroon clownfish, chased a blenny into the BTA that it was hosting so the guy took the maroon to his LFS and got a new one...


New Member
Originally Posted by FishRich
I'm waiting to see whats next.. Is the tomato going to grab my lawnmower bleeny and try to throw it in the anemone.. I'm really giving it thought if I want to get rid of my tomato clown for something else... It's crazy
That is exactly what happened to my first lawnmower blenny. I also lost 3 damsels, a cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, and a Coral Beauty Angel. I think my Tomato Clownfish is a hybrid of a Pirahna
I had to seperate my Clown and Anemone from the rest of the tank. I thought about getting rid of him, but he has so much pent rage that I would feel bad for anyone else that ended up with them. Hind sight is 20/20, that was an expensive lesson to learn.