My tomato is mad


New Member
Hi all,
Last week I purchased a 3in. tomato clown and the anenome he was living in. Today, the anenome suddenly closed up and the tomato went beserk. He got really agressive and bit the tail off a blue damsel. I put in a shrimp pellet and he grabbed it and brought it down to the anenome. So my questions are: Do I have to do anything special to feed the anenome? and will my damsel survive with half a tail? Thanks


Active Member
I'm not sure about your clownfish but your damsel may be in trouble. Try to keep the two fish separated while the clown and your anemone acclimate to your conditions. The problem with a matched pair of animals (clown/anemone) is when one is having a problem the other may as well. You also might want to try to add a mate for your clown - they love being paired up - I've done it a couple of times and they spend all of their time together and the anemone if big enough will enjoy the tag team.
You dont hafe to do anything special to feed the anemone, you just hafe to put the silverslides, or whatever your feeding it, down to it's tentacles, and the anemone will do the rest of the work. Your damsel will be in trouble if you keep it with the clown. I'd seperate them and have the damsel's tail grow back. I had a clownfish with my niger trigger, and the niger chewed up it's fins bad, and then we moved it to our qt and it's doin great in our qt.


The appropriate diet for individual anemones should be determined by trial and error. Try diced fish,whole shrimp,clams or squid. Place the food on the tentacles. If the animal doesn't want the food it will float away.
These animals also have habitat requirements and do not adapt to different environments. Sand dwelling anemones like S.haddoni live best buried in 6-10 inches of sand. Entacmaea quadricolor are naturally found in crevices or holes with only their tentacle crowns visible.