My upgrade Pictures


Active Member
I bought the xenia for 10 Bucks and it was attached to the sponge so the lady gave it to me for free. I know nothing about sponges but it is looking good.:yes:


Active Member
I like it alot better more places to put corals and addition of new fish. I already want a bigger one.
Im upgrading from a 55 to a 90. How exactly did you upgrade. Did you just put new water and stuff in the 58 and cycle it and than put the stuff in the 20 into the 58? I have been having a problem of how im going to do it because i want the 90 in the same place that the 55 is in...confusing:notsure:
congratualations on the succesful upgrade. It looks awsome!:cheer:


Active Member
Here is how I did it. I know its not the best way but it worked. I filled my new tank half full with saltwater then I added the new dead sand and the Deep sand Bed from my Refugium. After it all settled and was clear I added the fish and corals to my refugium and shut the pump from the main tank off. I added the sand, live rock, and water from the display tank (25 gallon) to the new tank (58). I let it set for a couple of hours. Then I just added everything. I didn't have anything die on me and everything seems to be doing well. I didn't cycle the new tank because I really didn't see a reason to. All my biological filtration was in tact and I hadn't added anything new except water volume. It would probably had been safer to cycle the tank though. :D