My Water Is Brown!!!


Have read that the cycle can take several months. If you have lost your good bacteria or don't have enough, you can be made to fight an uphill battle trying to get it right. Or overextend your bioload, there I said it, The nasty no one wants to admit to doing. Think back to when your tank looked good, then back to when it turned brown. Breakdown the inbetween and you'll find your culprit, then you can remedy it. My only suggestion is bacteria. Add 10lbs of LS that is from an established tank 2-3yrs old and I bet your problem will go away. If its not in your water, its in your tank. Tell your husband to quit laughing its not funny. We called ours the pickling tank it was that green. Good luck, you'll get it!


I thank you for your help. If I lost my bacteria then wouldn't I be going through another amm. nitrate or nitrite spike? To be honest I can't think of anything I have done different to make the bio load greater. I have a 4 stripe damsel, a clown fish and a koran angel. They have all been in there for a long time. I havn't added anything because $$ has been tight after my husband got into a motorcycle accident and is off work. That is why I am so baffled by this because I have changed nothing about the tank. The only changing going on is filters and water changes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aredmon
I thank you for your help. If I lost my bacteria then wouldn't I be going through another amm. nitrate or nitrite spike? To be honest I can't think of anything I have done different to make the bio load greater. I have a 4 stripe damsel, a clown fish and a koran angel. They have all been in there for a long time. I havn't added anything because $$ has been tight after my husband got into a motorcycle accident and is off work. That is why I am so baffled by this because I have changed nothing about the tank. The only changing going on is filters and water changes.
did you buy the tank brand new, or did you buy it from an individual, cause if so , maybe thats why they got rid of it in the first place,,,, just a suggestion,,,, i feel really bad for you , cause there is nothing more frustrating then that, tried everything and still no solution... just hang in there,,, its got to get better....ginarox


Thank you for the support. I have heard many people say that a saltwater tank goes through stages and it will fix its self but it has never taken this long to do so before. BTW I bought it brand new.


Active Member
i am so sorry that your going through this, i hope for the best. i will keep popping in here to see how things are going for you, take care and good luck. ginarox


Ok. After much headache I finaly broke it down to having to be the sand I used. I used a dead play sand to start the tank off with. it was getting realy nasty and holding alot of gunk. It also contained alot of unwanted minerals and such. I had to break the tank down and start all over again. This time I used live sand and I also got more live rock. If this doesn't take care of the problem I don't know what to do!!!!!


what part of IL you fom ...just wondering...80 cents a gallon for r/o water ? I get mine from the grocery store for like 40 cents.....having no problems with it.


Originally Posted by aredmon
Ok. After much headache I finaly broke it down to having to be the sand I used. I used a dead play sand to start the tank off with. it was getting realy nasty and holding alot of gunk. It also contained alot of unwanted minerals and such. I had to break the tank down and start all over again. This time I used live sand and I also got more live rock. If this doesn't take care of the problem I don't know what to do!!!!!
Buy a Diamond Goby. They clean the sand like mad. I think I suggested this before though haha :happyfish


How's your water coming along? I finally got to 40ppm on my trates!!!! You know I'm excited after a 2 months of battle. My smilies won't work but they're on, oh well, wooohoo, my trates are down, my trates are down, wooohooo!!!! Still high, but a change for the good definately!


I have beefed up my cleaning possy and guess what. The brown came back!!!!! I got a UV sterilizer, my pocket book was screaming no more but now my tank is screaming thank you and so are my fish!!! My water is so crystal clear the fish look like they are swimming in nothing. It is great and never so beutiful!!!!


Hard crab. i am glad your tank is coming along better!!! trates are a pain. How did you get them to come down? Water changes?


Originally Posted by aredmon
I do have powerheads going and I will try to pull for the protein skimmer if I cam find the money. I just got scammed on buying a motorcycle and am fighting to get it. Any thing else anyone can give any ideas with. Has this happened to anyone before?
Hey, the motorcycle wasn't located in NY, was it?


Active Member
What are your water parameters? How old is the tank, and what is your maintenance routine? RO/DI water as well?


Just an update. My tank is doing really well. Since I started over again I am seing another bloom of diatoms but I know how to keep them under control so it is all good. Water quality is great and I only had to use the uv sterilizer for a week to accomplish clear water and the brown has not come back. Thank you everyone for helping and I wish you all luck. PS I got the bike in IL.