my weird blue hippo tang


is it normal tang behavior for them to play dead in the morning he looks dead and when i get home he is perfectly fine



i'ts normal behavior for them to wedge themselves in a rock and lie there.


Active Member
The hippo is the master of playing dead. They will regularly dart into the rockwork to hide if any disturbance is in the tank. Mine, which I have had for almost 2 years will lay flat under a rock if I am cleaning the glass. Nothing to worry about, just their nature.


Originally Posted by Anonome
The hippo is the master of playing dead. They will regularly dart into the rockwork to hide if any disturbance is in the tank. Mine, which I have had for almost 2 years will lay flat under a rock if I am cleaning the glass. Nothing to worry about, just their nature.
Ain't that the truth.Thought mine died before I was 1/2 way home.Had a tough time getting him out of the bucket I was acclimating him in.
Anonome,not to change the subject but over the 2 years has your Hippo gotten Ich?
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