my wellso shrunk??????


Active Member
Does it look like it has shrank to any of you. Here is a pic from when i first got it and one from lately.


Active Member
looks more inflated which gives the false appearance of being smaller. IMO anyway.


Active Member
So 007 do you think it is more healthy or what? It stands alot taller, but not as spread out.


Active Member
I am not 100% on this but here goes my intuition . . .
I would say that yes it looks healthier.
IMO, spreading out more is an attempt to create more surface are to catch light, hence more food.
If its not stretch/spreading as much it must have enough food so it is healthier.
Just a logical thought process thats all . . . . no factual basis on this unfortunately.


I've had the same coral for about 6 weeks. It went through lots of expansions and contractions throughout the day with mostly expansion and tentacles showing at night for the first 4 weeks. Lately it has spent all of the time very contracted. I started to spot feed it at night a few days ago and it seems much better ie more time expanded with feeding tentacles extended. I have read wellsos like to be spot fed and I will continue to feed mine. Interestingly I have an green open brain coral that is doing exaclty what the wellso is doing latley depsite expanding massively during the day and contracting at night for the few months I had it prior to obtaining the wellso. Other corals seem fine. Only correlation is the recent introduciton of Xenia which has tripled in size in 3 weeks.
30gal and they're under 1x175w MH6500K and 2x40w 03s.


Active Member
Thanks 007, makes alot of sense.
Matt, when I first got mine the feeder tentacles where always out during the night. I started feeding it the next day and they don't seem to hardly ever be out. I feed it about 2 silversides every 3-4 days. Maybe it doesn't need to extend all the time sense it's full.
Where's a pic of your tank matt, sounds nice?


New Member
Mine does the same thing from time to time. I've had it around 8 months. It seems to puff back up after a water change. Mine never shows feeder tentacles so I spray it w/ some mysis and then place silversides on a couple mouths. It eats them right up.


Active Member
Isn't it weird, because waterfallers well. tentacles are always out, light and all. Maybe ours are just not hungry at all.