My wet/dry/sump/refugium

1st timer

This is going to be my first (actually second attept) to try and build this,This time using a 20gal long tank... I have a trickle filter now and want to replace with is my vision.
One thought I had is instead of using the mag pump to suppl water to the refuge,why not put a powerhead under the trickle part and pump water to the fuge that way...Ant thoughts on this design...


Active Member
that looks plenty good if that is all your trying to do.. (wet/dry w/ fuge) only sugestion i can make is the make the last baffle from the wet/dry area lower .. ( the baffle to the lefth of the return pump) reason is that the higher the baffle prior to the pump = larger the wat4erfall effect = making more bubbles.. but then agin.. the fuge area is already 9'' tall.. but that has to be like that to hold fuge water.. so.. i guess your good on that design then..

1st timer

Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
that looks plenty good if that is all your trying to do.. (wet/dry w/ fuge) only sugestion i can make is the make the last baffle from the wet/dry area lower .. ( the baffle to the lefth of the return pump) reason is that the higher the baffle prior to the pump = larger the wat4erfall effect = making more bubbles.. but then agin.. the fuge area is already 9'' tall.. but that has to be like that to hold fuge water.. so.. i guess your good on that design then..

thanks for the input,if I lower that bulkhead I can only lower 1/2 inch because the Mag drive 9's intake is 4 inches at its highest point so I figured 5" inches because of evaporation... My ultimate goal at this time is to be able to keep a Mandrin, If you have a suggestion please,let me have it... :thinking: This design is not set in stone ,yet...


Why not t off the feed line to your trickle and feed the fuge with unfiltered tank water, then water will overflow both of your seperators to the return pump. just my .02. Darrin

mpls man

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1st timer
This is going to be my first (actually second attept) to try and build this,This time using a 20gal long tank... I have a trickle filter now and want to replace with is my vision.
One thought I had is instead of using the mag pump to suppl water to the refuge,why not put a powerhead under the trickle part and pump water to the fuge that way...Ant thoughts on this design...
what do you have for a skimmer???
make sure and leave room for a heater...etc
this is what i would do...
i would make another platform above your bio balls to have a filter pad to catch debris from your overflow, and i would add another wall next to your previous 1 to get rid of any micro bubbles before they reach your return pump...
this is my setup: i have 2 filter socks inplace of bio balls, 1 line from the overflow t's off and goes to the fuge the other goes to the sump, both with ball valves to control flow to the fuge and to the sump, then i have the skimmer in the middle with return pump back to the is a pic of the setup with a few changes.
just some ideas