My wife rocks!


I just wanted to say my wife is the bomb. We've only been married for 5 years and she had no idea what she was in for. I have always had an obsession with fish tanks; when I was a senior in high school I had 9 fresh water tanks in my bedroom, the largest being a 125g. Before I met her I moved alot so I hadn't set up a tank. After we got married I started with a 15g fresh water; I was scared to try SW. For Christmas a few years ago she bought me a 39g that we made a FOLR tank. When I graduated flight school she bought me my 55gal corner that we just set up 4 months ago. Well to make a long story short, she bought me a blue tang, a powder blue tang, and a long nose butterfly fish. I told her my tank was too small for those fish and that they would get crowded. She said that it was ok because she is buying me a 125 to 225 with our tax money this year. Holy cow, I can't believe I'm actually going to get one that big. It will be a FOLR at first. I'm still in shock because I used to drive her nuts doing all the research for my 55g. I think that I've converted her to a fish lover.
I've spent about 3000.00 in the last 4 months stocking my 55g with the upgrade in lighting and a calcium reactor. I'm still planning on upgrading my skimmer and replacing my w/d with a fuge, too.
Here are a few pictures of my 55g from the begining to today, we added 4 pieces coral this week.
Please let me know what you think!



Active Member
i want your wife. haha seriously, i hope my wife will be understanding to all my hobbies in this life ( Mountain biking, Fish keeping, and some golf)


Active Member
Sweet deal! I want you wife too...except I'm a straight female so she'd just have to be a generous roomie


Originally Posted by GNorman
hmm germany eh? how did that come to past?
Wie Gehts?
I'm stationed here, originally from Detroit Mi. I've been serving our country for 13 years!


Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Sweet deal! I want you wife too...except I'm a straight female so she'd just have to be a generous roomie

Did I fail to mention that she's a pastry chef!!!!


Active Member
awesome tank,,,your wife sounds like a good women,,,keep us posted on your progress, have a great day..


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
So is the tank going to be all glass or arylic? Got any pics of the tang and the butterfly?
its going to be glass with euro bracing. no pics of the powder blue yet. Just got it today.


Active Member
well thats sweet your in germany. they are high teched on the fish stuff so i have herd. learn any german out there?


Originally Posted by GNorman
well thats sweet your in germany. they are high teched on the fish stuff so i have herd. learn any german out there?
I can order a bier!
I love the technology and the prices too. I don't pay their 19% tax.
I'm buying a new skimmer next week, all I have to do is change the pump when I move back to the states. They have great prices on base rock too, about $.75 a pound


Originally Posted by GNorman
haha no way thats awesome.... bring some home for me!
I'm planning on buying a couple of boxes full before I leave and ship it back to the states.


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
The tang you posted a pic of is a Atlantic Blue Tang not a Hippo tang.
I never said it was a hippo tang, I just said it was a blue tang.