My Wife Wants To Fogger In The House What Should I Do???


So we got a new dog and the dog had a couple of fleas on him (we already took him to the vet and got the flea meds) Anyways my wife is still freaking out! She wants to use some fogger but im really concern. I need some suggestions on preping the tank for complete safety!

salt life

Active Member

Originally Posted by tdog7879
So we got a new dog and the dog had a couple of fleas on him (we already took him to the vet and got the flea meds) Anyways my wife is still freaking out! She wants to use some fogger but im really concern. I need some suggestions on preping the tank for complete safety!
go to petsupermarket or one of those types of stores and get Adams flea and tick spray
, spray your carpter/floors,furniture/walls, whatever you need to spray.



Originally Posted by Salt Life
go to petsupermarket or one of those types of stores and get Adams flea and tick spray
, spray your carpter/floors,furniture/walls, whatever you need to spray.
well she already went and got flea spray for the yard(she OCD
) So has anyone had to do the hole fogger thing?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
well she already went and got flea spray for the yard(she OCD
) So has anyone had to do the hole fogger thing?
if you spray the yard and then get spray for the house you will be fine, you don't need to fog it unless you really want to. and then just keep something on the dog like frontline plus or advantage


the directions for the fogger say to turm off water flow and cover the tank. It also want you to turn off AC. The whole process is 2 1/2 hours.
So i was thinking about covering the whole tank and stand with plastic and turning off everything except for the PH. What do you guys think? Is this just to much of a risk or what?


we did the fogger thing i just took a big heavy blanket and just over it and make sure u keep the lights off for the day.


Active Member
I would defog unless the fleas were a house problem. Finding a couple of the dog is not a house problem IMO. Deflea the dog and you should get rid of all the house fleas.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
I would defog unless the fleas were a house problem. Finding a couple of the dog is not a house problem IMO. Deflea the dog and you should get rid of all the house fleas.
I wish it was that easy!!!! The wife is nagging me to do it


Active Member
I have a friend who covered and sprayed. No losses.
Are ya gonna keep defogging all summer long if you see a flea every now and then? (arguments for the wife....)


Originally Posted by Cranberry
I have a friend who covered and sprayed. No losses.
Are ya gonna keep defogging all summer long if you see a flea every now and then? (arguments for the wife....)
no this is going to a one time thing.....I HOPE!


If you cover the tank with a blanket and turn off the AC I would be concerned about tank temp in your area also. Just a thought.


Yes I was a little worried about this but I think I going to turn the ac down a degree or 2 its a 80 gallon so I hope it will be fine!
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
If you cover the tank with a blanket and turn off the AC I would be concerned about tank temp in your area also. Just a thought.


cover it with a plastic painting tarp, not a blanket.
it'll take more than "2.5hrs" to change the temp in 80gallons of water to a point where you should be concerned.
In my opinion.. you're over reacting.. just cover it.


Active Member
yeah its really not that big of a deal. just drape a roofers or painters tarp over the whole set up and drop a few bricks or heavy objects down to keep the tarp firmly planted.


Active Member
2 thinks, one, the fogger for fleas doesn't work. Use seven dust, or the powder. Then repeat the application after 11 days (that is their gestation period)
Second, seal the top of your tank with plastic and tape. If everything is under your tank seal your stand. Then run some carbon, you should be basically ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkroher
cover it with a plastic painting tarp, not a blanket.
it'll take more than "2.5hrs" to change the temp in 80gallons of water to a point where you should be concerned.
In my opinion.. you're over reacting.. just cover it.
My dad uses that plastic wrap for food dishes anytime something needs to be sprayed. Cheap and effective plus it sticks really well.